Saturday, June 19, 2021

Why Countries Collapse

Here is wisdom from Dr. Paul Craig Roberts:

"... in my view the Soviet Union collapsed because the belief system collapsed.  The United or Disunited States is collapsing for the same reason, as is all of the Western World."

You can read the rest here:

And you can find additional discussion by Gregory Hood here:

It’s [called] Vergangenheitsaufarbeitung, "working off the past." It means re-interpreting your history as something shameful. It’s what Germany’s rulers have forced on their people, and it’s what the Washington Post wants to do to us.

If you remember our history, it actually was the US which imposed anti-Nazi Vergangenheitsaufarbeitung on the Germans following World War II, in the form of the Morgenthau Plan. It made sense then.

But why are we now doing the same thing to ourselves? I realized this was happening almost ten years ago, and as Dr. Roberts says this has been going on far longer than that. Here are some of my past observations and comments:

It's absurd to believe such a tectonic shift in our culture could have occured merely from the influence of Antifa or BLM. They control almost nothing of significance in the government, the corporate world, the MSM, or social media. No, this shift was instigated by the powers that be, who used Antifa and BLM as agents provocateur to hide their own involvement in what is happening. And as we now know, the FBI helped pull the strings from the shadows to keep things on track, as they always do.

I suspect the ringleaders behind the continual shaming of the US include Obama ad-Dajjal, Hillary Clinton, and other Saul Alinsky acolytes. But they're just puppets in the hands of TPTB. We've heard a lot about how people like Donald Trump and Julian Assange are guilty of treason. But doesn't it ring true that those behind the shaming of America and the destruction of our culture and economy are the real traitors? Why are they getting off scot free, while the few remaining patriots soon will be hunted down and prosecuted as terrorists?

Say goodbye to everything you thought you knew about the USA. Your daddy's America ain't coming back, and G-d only knows what will replace it.

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