Wednesday, June 30, 2021

"Our" Race War

Here are the views of Jason Whitlock:

The real war is about global power and the future of America's system of government. This country's elite, global citizens, and corporations prefer communism over capitalism and democracy. They prefer China's system over our system.

& & & & & & & &

It's all a massive setup. The stirring of racial animus between Obama worshippers and Trump worshippers is orchestrated by billionaire elites, executed by trained Marxists, promoted by millionaire influencers in the media, sports, and entertainment worlds, and co-signed by religious leaders pursuing popularity.

You can read the rest @

Divide and rule: a simple tactic which nearly always works. And We the People are its ultimate victims.

Biden's Immigration Fiasco

Here is a guide to Biden's "open border" policies:

Some may argue these are good changes, but I'm not one of them. Protecting its borders and controlling immigration are among the chief duties of a nation-state. The fact that Biden is ignoring these and other such duties suggests that he and his coterie of morons intend to destroy the USA.

Are you happy now? Trump may have been an ass, but at least he paid lip service to the welfare of the American people. Biden intends to grind us into dust.

Monday, June 28, 2021

Forgotten Advice

The US military seems to have forgotten the advice given by General Douglas MacArthur in his Sylvanus Thayer Award Acceptance Address:

Others will debate the controversial issues, national and international, which divide men's minds; but serene, calm, aloof, you stand as the Nation's war-guardian, as its lifeguard from the raging tides of international conflict, as its gladiator in the arena of battle. For a century and a half you have defended, guarded, and protected its hallowed traditions of liberty and freedom, of right and justice.

Let civilian voices argue the merits or demerits of our processes of government; whether our strength is being sapped by deficit financing, indulged in too long, by federal paternalism grown too mighty, by power groups grown too arrogant, by politics grown too corrupt, by crime grown too rampant, by morals grown too low, by taxes grown too high, by extremists grown too violent; whether our personal liberties are as thorough and complete as they should be. These great national problems are not for your professional participation or military solution.

Source -

Too many of our generals and admirals have descended into the political arguments of the day, appearing on CNN and other propaganda outlets to embrace the kind of nonsense which is destroying both our nation and our military establishment.

Take the time to read his entire address. It contains other advice which we all seem to have forgotten in our zeal to rid the military of "extremists". And I think you'll agree with me the current crop of cowards running the Pentagon aren't fit to shine his boots.

Quote For The Day - 6/28/2021

"America is not America any longer. We do not live in a free state."

Rudy Giuliani

That's right, Rudy. And it all started with the aftermath of 9/11, in which you were a willing participant.

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Out With The Old

El Salvador's president is spearheading his nation's drive to make Bitcoin legal tender:

Meanwhile, President Biden seems determined to inflate the US dollar into irrelevance:

We need new ideas, and typically they don't come from old people ... especially ones as confused as Biden appears to be.

You might be tempted to say, "That's why we elected VP Harris", to which I can only respond "Jeez, Louise !!!"

The Scientific-Technological Elite

Most people are aware of this warning from President Eisenhower's 1961 farewell address to the nation:

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

He was right, and it is no longer a "potential" but an actual disaster. If you don't believe me, just take an honest look at our federal budget and our foreign policy.

But far fewer of us recall this additional warning from his address:

The prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded.

Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.

That particular "capture" also has taken place, and here is an investigative report about one of its latest examples:

This quote from the report is revealing:

"In offices on the building’s first floor, decisions are reached that affect lives and health on scales comparable with minor wars. In the conference room, high above the street, and in the meeting hall, in the basement, rulings in biotechnology and genetics are handed down that will help shape the human race."

Yes, a scientific-technological elite has captured public policy on a global scale, and you, me, and "our" so-called government now have virtually no influence on what that public policy will be.

I know members of that elite, and they firmly believe they know everything which can be known, that We the People are a basket of deplorables, and they somehow have a divine imperative to do what they think is best for us, in spite of our uninformed objections. And if they decide the human herd has to be altered and/or culled for the common good, they will do so without hesitation or regret.

And by the way, I totally disagree with this claim from the report:

"Their agenda can only advance if we allow it."

Their agenda will advance no matter what we do. It's supported by the real leaders of our corporate-controlled fascist governments, and what they want always gets done. It would take a drastic, inconceivable alteration in the global architecture of political and financial power for there to be any other outcome.

The Nutty Professor ???

Here is an essay by Jonathan Turley about a professor who advocates "blowing up Republicans":

Unlike Turley, I DO think this person should face discipline. Academic freedom is one thing (and is routinely denied in US colleges and universities), but advocating violence, even as a "joke", is something else.

Colleges and universities should not be hate factories, and I find it hard to believe this kind of rhetoric serves any useful purpose ... other than as an example of what our education system should NOT be.

Here is additional discussion:

Saturday, June 26, 2021

COVID-19 Lawsuits

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and a group of lawyers is planning a series of lawsuits over the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting lockdowns. You can watch a video in which he outlines their cases here:

I certainly hope he and his group are successful in their efforts. And if fraud is proven, I also hope that Dr. Fauci and his ilk are held accountable for their roles in whatever really happened.

Worn-out Submarines

According to this report, equipment on new US submarines is wearing out prematurely, requiring the cannibalization of parts from other subs:

This is not a new phenomenon. I served on two older subs (USS Nautilus and USS Nathan Hale, both now decommissioned) which suffered from the same problem. And on both ships, the worn-out parts created risks which were potentially life-threatening. We had no choice other than to grit our teeth and live with the potential hazards.

Equipment failures on naval vessels are bad enough, but when they occur on submarines they can threaten the lives of everyone on board. The fact the US Navy continues to limp along without addressing this situation is alarming.

I'd hate to go to war on one of these potentially crippled vessels. We owe it to the men and women who sail on them to do whatever we can to fix this mess.

Update - 6/27/2021

Here is an alternative point of view from Frida Berrigan:

I used to live in Groton, and I earned my gold dolphins on USS Nautilus when she was a commissioned vessel. Many of Frida's assertions make sense, but until we escape the paradigm of "might makes right", we need to at least keep our existing subs in working condition.

Leave NATO

Here is timely food for thought from Andrew Bacevich:

The United States needs to make a major overhaul of its alliances and partnerships in the world, and it needs to rethink which of its existing commitments truly protect the vital interests of the United States.

In light of the devastating effects of the pandemic on the country, including the loss of more than 600,000 people, we cannot afford the conventional understanding of national security that has prevailed up till now. Above all, we have to shed the self-congratulatory and self-justifying notion of American exceptionalism that has so warped our thinking about our foreign policy.

You can read the rest @

I agree 100 percent. We're on a path to national bankruptcy, and it's about time we admit it and reassess what the hell we've been doing.

Unfortunately, with a brain dead president we're unlikely to do such a thing any time soon.

By the way, if we had followed the Trump agenda instead of fighting it tooth and nail, we'd already be on the right path ... or at least a better one than Biden's.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Solar Trash

According to this article in the Harvard Business Review, solar panels are not what I would call "renewable":

If we plot future installations according to a logistic growth curve capped at 700 GW by 2050 (NREL’s estimated ceiling for the U.S. residential market) alongside the early replacement curve, we see the volume of waste surpassing that of new installations by the year 2031. By 2035, discarded panels would outweigh new units sold by 2.56 times. In turn, this would catapult the LCOE (levelized cost of energy, a measure of the overall cost of an energy-producing asset over its lifetime) to four times the current projection. The economics of solar - so bright-seeming from the vantage point of 2021 - would darken quickly as the industry sinks under the weight of its own trash.

You can read the rest @

The Green Raw Dealers are doing what all energy hucksters always have been doing - ignoring the cradle-to-grave costs of their technologies. When such costs ARE taken into account, most of the green stuff looks pretty crappy.

And when you look at the C-to-G costs of nuclear, it's a nightmare.

Update - 7/2/2021

Californians are learning the hard way that going "green" is not really a good idea:

Not only will this nonsense result in personal discomfort, the rising costs of energy will further deteriorate the US economy. China isn't participating in the Green Raw Deal, and in the coming years they will bury us.

What dumbass dreamed up this crap?

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Food Shortage Ahead ???

What the heck is going on in California? Here is some timely analysis by F. William Engdahl:

After 2011, California underwent a severe seven year drought. The drought ended in 2019 as major rains filled the California reservoir system to capacity. According to state water experts the reservoirs held enough water to easily endure at least a five-year drought. Yet two years later, the administration of Governor Newsom is declaring a new drought and threatening emergency measures. What his Administration is not saying is that the State Water Board and relevant state water authorities have been deliberately letting water flow into the Pacific Ocean. Why? They say to save two endangered fish species that are all but extinct - one, a rare type of Salmon, the second a Delta Smelt, a tiny minnow-size fish of some 2" size which has all but disappeared.

In June 2019 Shasta Dam, holding the state’s largest reservoir as a keystone of the huge Central Valley Project, was full to 98% of capacity. Just two years later in May 2021 Shasta Lake reservoir held a mere 42% of capacity, almost 60% down. Similarly, in June 2019 Oroville Dam reservoir, the second largest, held water at 98% of capacity and by May 2021 was down to just 37%. Other smaller reservoirs saw similar drops. Where has all the water gone?

Allegedly to "save" these fish varieties, during just 14 days in May, according to Kristi Diener, a California water expert and farmer, "90% of (Bay Area) Delta inflow went to sea. It’s equal to a year’s supply of water for 1 million people." Diener has been warning repeatedly in recent years that water is unnecessarily being let out to sea as the state faces a normal dry year. She asks, "Should we be having water shortages in the start of our second dry year? No. Our reservoirs were designed to provide a steady five year supply for all users, and were filled to the top in June 2019."

You can read the rest @

I don't know if this is a "sinister agenda" or just the sort of misguided thinking which lately seems to flow from our universities and research facilities. Whatever the case, it almost certainly will result in human suffering and potential loss of human life. Is that what we want?

We really need to do what Switzerland has been doing - ALL important decisions (i.e., those which affect the vast majority of citizens) should be subject to a national referendum. It's high time we stop letting educated morons make such decisions for us.

This is something we should have learned from their pandemic, during which their lies and distortions of the facts resulted in decisions which caused widespread loss of life and the near destruction of our national economy.

When the hell are we going to wake up - when there's no food on the shelves?

Crimes Against Humanity

Here is a video outlining the next round of crimes against humanity:

Note how members of the audience sounded ecstatic to hear such nonsense.

The measures outlined in the video would forever alter life on our planet. Any decision to implement them should be based upon a global referendum. Anything less would be a crime against humanity.

Should you doubt my claim, just consider this - nearly every previous crime against humanity has been supported by at least a portion of the scientific community. They and the techies are the ones who create the weapons. And people such as those who attended this TED Talk are the ones who cheer them on.

Who Really Killed Khashoggi ???

You reap what you sow:

Four Saudis who participated in the 2018 killing of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi received paramilitary training in the United States the previous year under a contract approved by the US State Department, the New York Times (NYT) reported on Tuesday.

The training was provided by Tier 1 Group, which is owned by the private equity firm Cerberus Capital Management, and was defensive in nature and devised to protect Saudi leaders, the US newspaper reported.

Source -

Stop pretending we're the good guys. We're not.

The Evolution Of Science

So what's it gonna be, you little prick? Actual science, or more of your BS?

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Green Quote For The Day - 6/23/2021

"Achieving net-zero by 2050, akin to the Green New Deal in the United States, would require a colossal energy transition and use reduction. In addition, it would require sophisticated efforts to capture greenhouse gases on site and/or pull them from the air and inject them underground."

Fergus Hodgson

Source -

The author is writing about Canada, but the same principles apply anywhere this green stuff is being considered.

"A colossal energy transition and use reduction"? Yes, and when the new generation infrastructure does not work, a colossal use reduction will be assured.

Don't fall for Green Raw Deal lies. We will be forced to use less energy, while the rich will continue to squander the earth's remaining resources as they escape to other planets. Where's the fairness in that?

By the way, in my former life as an environmental regulator I attended symposia at which underground disposal of combustion gases was discussed. At the time it was clear the gases would eventually escape. Perhaps the technology has improved by now, but I wouldn't count on it. What goes in will come out ... perhaps slowly, perhaps not.

What's Your Definition Of "Safe" ???

Here are some stats on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines:

And these are just the near term side effects. I don't know about you, but that does not seem "safe" to me.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Whoa, Nelly !!!

Here is a letter from Larry Fink which outlines where he thinks the world is headed:

Q: Why should the climate transition represent an historic investment opportunity?

A: It shouldn't. Everyone will be forced to sacrifice and to change nearly every aspect of their lives, but apparently only the few will benefit financially.

No doubt the rich are salivating at the prospect of even more riches from something requiring minimal effort on their part.

The rest of us, on the other hand, ought to resist this nonsense with every fiber of our being. NO ONE should get richer off the suffering of others, but that apparently is what capitalism is all about.

Stop this "reset" crap before it's too late, or suffer the consequences.

When Did We Become Human ???

Here is a brief exploration of modern human evolution (the link has all the details):

If tools and technology are the chief measures of our "evolution", I would say we haven't evolved much at all. We mostly depend on a few innovators, and the rest of us are "monkey see, monkey do". I don't see that as progress. Do you?

The next great change allegedly will come from all this transhumanism crap. But won't we still be the flesh and blood we were before? Or will microchips and mRNA therapies turn us into something completely different?

Frankly, I don't want to know. I was happy with the way I am until the singularity crowd decided to upset the apple cart. Now, according to them, I'm just obsolete.

The Electric Car Scam ???

Apparently switching to electric cars will NOT result in lower CO2 emissions. You can read about it here:

It's funny - even if you do the math, the greenies will claim that you're wrong.

In my view, every time anyone wants to change your life AND charge you lots of money to do it, you better make certain their scheme isn't just a scam. It often is.

Mafia-Style Justice

From John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead:

Almost every tyranny being perpetrated by the U.S. government against the citizenry - purportedly to keep us safe and the nation secure - has come about as a result of some threat manufactured in one way or another by our own government.

Think about it.

Cyberwarfare. Terrorism. Bio-chemical attacks. The nuclear arms race. Surveillance. The drug wars. Domestic extremism. The COVID-19 pandemic.

In almost every instance, the U.S. government (often spearheaded by the FBI) has in its typical Machiavellian fashion sown the seeds of terror domestically and internationally in order to expand its own totalitarian powers.

Source -

And these are the people who now want to fight domestic terrorism? They can start by cleaning their own house, but that's not likely to happen, is it?

Monday, June 21, 2021

No Longer Needed

Some great thoughts from Joaquin Flores:

When human beings are no longer involved in the valorization process in the production of goods and services, then humanity itself is the cost that requires externalization – elimination.

You can read the rest @

The essay is a great read. And yes, the technocrats HAVE thought this through. That's the scary part.

Here is additional discussion:

In short, the corporate culture of externalizing costs and downsizing worked for the bottom line, but as a legitimating ISA (Ideological State Apparatus) it could only lead to the final problem with its own final solution: the ‘carbon footprint’ human beings are now the redundant workforce to be done away with. With automation and roboticization, no human being will be essential. All human life is inessential.

Source -

Yes, their "4th industrial revolution" is doublespeak for the elimination of the inessential - you and me. You cannot understand what is at stake until you realize that.

Knowing And Not Knowing

Here is a wonderful essay which catalogs the known knowns and the known unknowns of SARS-CoV-2:

What I'd like to know is why the bastards who are doing this to us aren't in jail. Any thoughts?

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Do We Need A New Flag ???

According to some, the US needs a new flag. You can read about it here:

Note this is a "Juneteenth" op-ed, not a "Flag Day" publication. Strange.

From my perspective, our current flag represents the unity of fifty sovereign states. The one suggested in the above op-ed appears to represent the unity of vaguely defined races and social groups. How would such a flag work for you?

Here is an adaptation of something I wrote in my 2015 book No More Patriots. I think it more than applies to our current situation:

The most fundamental and pervasive form of extremism is patriotism, and its chief symbol is the national flag. By redefining patriotism as a hate crime and extinguishing the symbolic power of the flag, we can achieve an effect similar to the denazification effort in Germany following World War Two.

[Here is a portion of a speech given by a fictional President at Fort McHenry, and I can easily imagine similar words coming from the mouth of Joe Biden.]

"Most of you have heard the story of America’s flag and how its colors came to be. It has been said that the color red is for valor, the color white is for purity, and the color blue is for justice. But most of you also know that in spite of our valor too much blood has been shed over this flag, and too little justice achieved in its name.

"The children who stand before us today represent the future of the United States and of the world. The white color of the garments they have so skillfully crafted perfectly symbolizes what we all want them to be – pure of heart and healthy of mind.

"They live so that America can live, and no longer must they shed blood in our name. They will achieve the justice that our ancestors either could not or would not achieve, and in so doing they will make the world a better place for all people.

"Their salvation and ours will come from destruction of the ‘old’ America and from the construction of a ‘new’ nation. There are still many old ways of thinking, old ways of doing things, and old symbols that must be swept away for this to happen, and I encourage all of you to make this destruction your life’s work. Change is good, and it starts with the destruction of the old.

"I am today issuing an Executive Order defining ‘patriotism’ as a hate crime and outlawing all formerly patriotic symbols and displays, including the stars and stripes flag. These symbols of our violent past must be forgotten if we want to achieve peace and bequeath to our children a better world."

The President then directed the striking of the colors, and the giant garrison flag was taken down. A white surrender flag of equal size was run up the pole in its place. In synchronization with that act, the colors were struck at all US government facilities and installations and from all commissioned vessels, and replaced with similar white flags. By the end of the day, the stars and stripes flag had completely disappeared throughout the land.

As I watched the nation’s flag coming down, apparently for the last time, the whole surreal chain of events somehow reminded me of the sounds of Jimi Hendrix at Woodstock slaying his version of "Star Spangled Banner." I just couldn’t believe this was actually happening, and I couldn’t do anything except stand there and watch in slack-jawed amazement.

* * * * * * * *

Apparently we'll soon witness a similar scene in our formerly great nation. Do you think creating a new flag will bring us together and help create a better future? I doubt it, but you never know. Stranger things have happened.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Failed Strategy

Here is what many Germans think about the US and its puppet NATO:

NATO is positioning itself against Russia as if the Cold War did not end 30 years ago. Meanwhile, China is setting out to bring ever larger parts of the world under its control - without having to fear any countermeasures from the West.

Source - [translation required]

This may be related to the fact that Russia has as many nuclear weapons as we do and may be prepared to use them.

Remote Control Of Everything ???

According to this report, power companies in Texas took control of people's "smart" thermostats during the latest power shortage:

If these customers had read the contracts they signed with the power companies, they might have realized they already had given the companies permission to do just that.

But even fewer people realize that such central control of energy usage will be part and parcel of the Green Raw Deal and the Internet of Things. Apparently We the People have been irresponsible in our excessive use (and waste) of energy, so we have to be FORCED to cut back.

Scoff at the concept if you want, but I predict energy rationing will be an inevitable part of our future. And I suspect something similar will occur with our use of just about everything (water, food, lumber, autos, etc.) As Dr. Paul Ehrlich stated in his book The Population Bomb, "Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun." That really applies to ALL things physical.

We're all just "idiot children" who must be controlled, and if necessary eliminated should we become too great a threat to "the environment".

I bet you thought we'd be asked to vote on such matters before they were implemented. Well, obviously you thought wrong. Why don't you ask Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi about that?

Why Countries Collapse

Here is wisdom from Dr. Paul Craig Roberts:

"... in my view the Soviet Union collapsed because the belief system collapsed.  The United or Disunited States is collapsing for the same reason, as is all of the Western World."

You can read the rest here:

And you can find additional discussion by Gregory Hood here:

It’s [called] Vergangenheitsaufarbeitung, "working off the past." It means re-interpreting your history as something shameful. It’s what Germany’s rulers have forced on their people, and it’s what the Washington Post wants to do to us.

If you remember our history, it actually was the US which imposed anti-Nazi Vergangenheitsaufarbeitung on the Germans following World War II, in the form of the Morgenthau Plan. It made sense then.

But why are we now doing the same thing to ourselves? I realized this was happening almost ten years ago, and as Dr. Roberts says this has been going on far longer than that. Here are some of my past observations and comments:

It's absurd to believe such a tectonic shift in our culture could have occured merely from the influence of Antifa or BLM. They control almost nothing of significance in the government, the corporate world, the MSM, or social media. No, this shift was instigated by the powers that be, who used Antifa and BLM as agents provocateur to hide their own involvement in what is happening. And as we now know, the FBI helped pull the strings from the shadows to keep things on track, as they always do.

I suspect the ringleaders behind the continual shaming of the US include Obama ad-Dajjal, Hillary Clinton, and other Saul Alinsky acolytes. But they're just puppets in the hands of TPTB. We've heard a lot about how people like Donald Trump and Julian Assange are guilty of treason. But doesn't it ring true that those behind the shaming of America and the destruction of our culture and economy are the real traitors? Why are they getting off scot free, while the few remaining patriots soon will be hunted down and prosecuted as terrorists?

Say goodbye to everything you thought you knew about the USA. Your daddy's America ain't coming back, and G-d only knows what will replace it.

Friday, June 18, 2021

Haven't We Learned ANYTHING ???

Here is a mind-blowing report:

All life on Earth follows this rule: a combination of 64 DNA triplet codes, or “codons,” are translated into 20 amino acids.

But wait. The math doesn’t add up. Why wouldn’t 64 dedicated codons make 64 amino acids? The reason is redundancy. Life evolved so that multiple codons often make the same amino acid.

So what if we tap into those redundant “extra” codons of all living beings, and instead insert our own code?

A team at the University of Cambridge recently did just that. In a technological tour de force, they used CRISPR to replace over 18,000 codons with synthetic amino acids that don’t exist anywhere in the natural world. The result is a bacteria that’s virtually resistant to all viral infections - because it lacks the normal protein “door handles” that viruses need to infect the cell.

Source -

If they can create new life which is invincible, isn't it possible they'll create other forms of new life to which no humans have immunity and which no drug or vaccine would be able to control? Wouldn't that be one of the ultimate forms of biowarfare?

THIS is why we MUST determine what happened with SARS-CoV-2 ... where did it come from and how did it attack the human species. There should be NO research of the kind described in the above report until that riddle is solved and properly addressed. To do anything less is foolhardy in the extreme.

True Mind Control

Here is a summary of some recent "mind control" experiments:

One has to wonder if the current mRNA "vaccine" trials might be part of an overall process intended to bring us step by step to a condition of true and complete mind control ... at least to the extent that TPTB can turn us on and off at will if we should someday get too uppity.

Doesn't it seem like We the People should have such power over THEM and not the other way round?

The Green Charade

Does this make any sense to you?

John F. Kerry, the special presidential envoy for climate, said only months ago that those losing fossil fuel jobs in coal and hydraulic fracturing will find they have a better choice of jobs in either the solar industry or as wind turbine technicians.

That was then. Now, a wind blade manufacturing plant located in Aberdeen, South Dakota, has announced it is shutting its doors permanently in less than two months.

The disappearance of Molded Fiber Glass will displace over 300 workers and their families. It marks another major loss of energy jobs in the state following President Joe Biden's halting of the Keystone pipeline on the first day of his administration.

Source -

Biden couldn't find his ass using both hands, and Kerry appears to be just another far left huckster. They and the Green New Deal morons will destroy our existing energy sources long before any "green" alternatives are ready to pick up the slack. But that apparently is the plan - not to replace existing sources but to force us to use less energy.

And as I have written before, it's highly likely most new energy infrastructure contracts may go to foreign companies. We don't need no stinking jobs, do we?

Are you happy now? I'm not.

By the way, here is a prediction from the German Economic News:

A regional conflict in the Middle East with Iran's participation would trigger an oil price shock. The countries that are dependent on oil imports would have to switch to alternative energy sources with an oil price between 100 and 150 dollars. It sounds perverse, but a war in the Middle East would drive the energy transition in terms of climate policy.

Source - [translation required]

I'm telling you - the bastards running our world will stop at NOTHING in their efforts to ram "climate control" down our collective throats. They just killed a whole lot of people to get their "vaccines" approved, didn't they? They're not working for us ... we are just in their way.

Fauci Facts

From an interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.:

When Fauci first started working in his current position nearly 50 years ago, the national allergy rate was only six percent. Today, it is over 54 percent, showing that Fauci has done absolutely nothing to help fix the problem and only made it worse than ever before.

Since Fauci came into office, there has been an explosion of chronic disease, autoimmune disease, autism and other illnesses that never used to exist before he was installed into his position. How has he gotten away with this?

"When he came into office, [autism] affected one in 10,000 Americans. Today, it is one out of every 22 boys born in this country," Kennedy says. "His job is to tell us why this is happening."

"He doesn’t do that research, even though that’s the research Congress told him to do," Kennedy added, revealing that the worst chronic illnesses we see today actually went epidemic not long after Fauci was installed.

Source -

Thursday, June 17, 2021

No Cars In Two Years ???

Here is an interesting report about alleged disruptions in the auto industry:

Although few if any of such claims can be proven, consider this - TPTB can stay in power and retain their wealth even if ALL the traditional car makers go belly up. Take a look at this graphic:

Source -

Note that automobile manufacturers (with the exception of Tesla) are missing in the top 30. If TPTB really want ICE powered automobiles to disappear, then it WILL happen ... regardless of what that does to our jobs.

Another FBI False Flag ???

According to recent revelations, the FBI was complicit in the 1/6 "riot" in DC:

This should come as no surprise to readers of this blog. The FBI has been complicit in most, if not ALL, of the so-called terrorist attacks on US soil. You can read about it here:

and here:

Both the CIA and FBI have adopted similar MOs - spreading state propaganda, conducting phony analyses and investigations designed to distort or hide the facts, and instigating revolutions and false flag attacks. We the People will NEVER regain control of our country if we don't start holding these people accountable, and that includes criminal prosecutions.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Fission Gases

Here is an astonishing report about a nuclear power plant in China:

The most revealing part is this:

"... Chinese authorities had raised radiation limits outside of the plants to avoid a potential shutdown."

That is one of the DUMBEST actions I've ever heard of. An increase in fission gases is an indication of fuel cladding failure. Continued operation will cause more cladding to fail and at a minimum seriously contaminate the primary loop(s). The only SMART thing to do is shut down the plant and fix the problem.

I really thought the Chinese were smarter than this. I guess I was wrong.

By the way, if they could do something as dumb as this it's VERY easy to believe they might have created SARS-CoV-2 in a lab, allowed it to escape, and then have covered up what they had done.

Stupid is as stupid does.


Here is a good discussion of the lies on which the current US administration is based:

Everyone says you cannot hide big lies or great conspiracies in the US. The facts currently being hidden behind the three big lies mentioned in the above essay prove otherwise. The US government and its accomplices in the corporate world have immense power, and they can and do craft complex narratives which obscure and completely replace anything one could call "reality".

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Forget The Alamo ???

Here is a puff piece in support of a new book which reinterprets the history of the Alamo and the Republic of Texas:

I wrote about the Alamo in Chapter Two of my book No More Patriots. Here is part of what I said:

The defense of the Alamo, like the Battle of Thermopylae, is one of history’s most memorable examples of heroic asymmetric warfare. As the words of Travis’ famous letter bear witness, the defenders knew they were doomed. But they also knew they had to stand and fight to the death so that Texas could live. To make such a sacrifice requires an unshakeable faith that others will continue the fight that you have started. Without such faith, the Battle of the Alamo might never have taken place and the Texas War of Independence might have been lost.

In today's world, however, criticism of all things patriotic has increased to the point where now almost everything American is hated (or at least "worthy" of being hated). This does not bode well for our future.

Ask yourself what the US will become once the woke crowd finishes destroying it. I doubt most of you will like whatever replaces it. If the wokesters succeed in extinguishing the faith exhibited by the defenders of the Alamo, who ever again will fight for the United States or for freedom in general?

We must NOT forget the Alamo, and we must NOT distort its history to fit the tenor of the times.

Mandatory Vaccination And Informed Consent

Here are two wonderful reports by Nelly Psarrou on the topic of mandatory vaccination:

Mandatory vaccination for Covid-19 is a global agenda for over a year now. However, no medical act is permitted without the fully informed consent of each individual, as it is stated in all local and international law. Moreover, participation in medical study not only requires consent (which can be withdawn at any time), but also falls under extremely strict requirements - as stipulated at the Nuremberg Code, which was enacted right after the medical atrocities of the Nazi's. In this research you can find all the relevant information and sources so as to be informed about your rights - knowing one's rights is the first step to exercising them!

This is the second and last part of an extended summary of the research Mandatory Vaccination: Law and Bioethics. In this part we shall examine conflict of interest in regard to a significant number of persons' and institutions initiatives towards vaccination. As  we shall see, the goal for vaccination and an "Immunity Pass" is a long-term established goal of the European Union and other international bodies and coalitions.

Should either of the above links get broken, you can find her website here:

I recommend that each and every one of you read this material. Regardless of the choices you make, it may save your life.

Absolute Risk Reduction

Here is a (relatively) simple explanation of outcome reporting bias:

If you wish to understand what vaccines can and cannot do for you, I suggest you read the above. Don't expect the MSM or government to explain this to you.

If, on the other hand, you believe criticizing Dr. Fauci is attacking science, then don't bother.

Whatever the case, I wish you well.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Richest People In The World

You can find them all here:

And (no surprise) ... most of them pay no taxes at all.

Now We're "Parasites"

And the madness continues:

The Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association published a research article in May that describes being white as “a malignant, parasitic-like condition,” and a dangerous, discriminatory, and perverse mental condition.

You can read the rest @

This is pre-Holocaust-like rhetoric which we ignore at our peril.

We're going from "it can't happen here" to "it isn't happening here", and eventually to "what the hell happened?" Wake up and act now, or someday find yourself and your family in a cattle car on the way to the camps.

I'm not joking; that's where such rhetoric always leads.

Observation Of The Day - 6/9/2021

By Nebojsa Malic at The Ron Paul Institute:

"Trump disagreeing with CNN is a mortal threat to democracy and free speech, but Biden telling a reporter he’d rather run her over with an electric truck than answer a question about the war currently going on in Israel is a funny joke, haha, how hilarious."

Source -

Yes, Trump was an a__hole, but Biden is an absolute moron. We'd have been immeasurably better off if Ron Paul had been our president, but such a thing could never happen.

We're stuck with monsters from now until kingdom come.

Outsourcing Everything

According to this report, the US has outsourced production of everything, and with disastrous results:

Some others are not mentioned:

  • US births are down, so we are letting in the children of our southern neighbors
  • US soldiers, sailors, and airmen are being replaced with proxy warriors and soldiers of fortune
  • US ballots (according to some) have been augmented with "votes" cast somewhere else and/or with xeroxed ballots brought in from who knows where

One can only get away with this kind of cr_p for so long, but eventually it catches up with you. And I believe the time for that is now, as inflation explodes and our unemployed workforce starts wondering where their next meals are coming from.

Those now looking for "traitors" need to look no further.

Monday, June 7, 2021

News Flash - Putin Has Ties To Russia

According to many analysts, the US is preparing for a war with Russia. Here is one such example:

Based on a number of reports published by American and Western media outlets, aside from anti-Russia propaganda, the US government has essentially begun its preparations for an invasion of Russia via the Baltic countries, the Black Sea, the Arctic Ocean and regions bordering the Russian Federation to the East.

Source -

Which brings up this obvious question asked by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts:

"If it was treason for Trump to meet with Putin, why is it permissible for Biden to meet with Putin?"

Why indeed?

US "diplomacy" consistently is bullshit and a mere pretext for further attacks on our enemy du jour. TPTB have been sabotaging US-Russia summit talks going back as far as the Eisenhower presidency and the U-2 incident. Anything between Biden and Putin will be more of the same.

A Woke D-Day

Here is a humorous (?) attempt to rewrite the history of WWII as it would be perceived by a "woke" person:

One has to ask - what is the point? If knowledge is power, what sort of power comes from this stuff?

Just Do The Math Correctly

A recent report demonstrates that EV carbon footprints are likely to be no smaller than ICE carbon footprints. Here is a portion of its findings:

Our analysis suggests a modern lithium-ion battery has approximately 135,000 miles of range before it degrades to the point of becoming unusable. An extended-range Tesla Model 3 has an 82 kWh battery and consumes approximately 29 kWh per 100 miles. Assuming each charge cycle has a ~95% round-trip efficiency and a battery can achieve 500 cycles before starting to degrade, we conclude a Model 3 can drive 134,310 miles before dramatically losing range.

Incidentally, Tesla’s Model 3 warranty covers the battery for the lesser of eight years or 120,000 miles and does not apply until the battery has degraded by at least 30%. If the Jefferies analysis is correct (and we believe it is), then an EV will reach carbon-emission parity with an internal-combustion vehicle just as its battery requires replacement. This will come as a huge disappointment for those believing that EV adoption will have significant impacts on CO2 reduction.

Source -

And you can find the report itself here:

Just another "inconvenient truth" or part of an intentional scam?

TPTB cooked the books with doctored case and death numbers to make us accept their pandemic claims, and now it appears they're doing something similar with climate change and "green economy" claims. Everything these bastards say and do is suspect, so I strongly recommend we demand they PROVE their claims before we allow them to do any more damage to the world's economy. There is much more at stake than just what kind of car you drive.

Why We Need To Know The Truth

This is one of the reasons we need to know the truth about the origin(s) of the SARS-CoV-2 virus:

If it escaped from a lab, why should we believe that building MORE labs would be any safer?

And if the rush to build labs is somehow related to biowarfare or the culling of the human herd, we need to stop this in its tracks.

Sadly, we seem incapable of addressing either of these concerns.

Quotes For Today - 6/7/2021

Here are two very pertinent quotes, which in a strange way are closely related:

Source -

None of this happened "accidentally", and it's pretty clear We the People have been the target for quite some time. Just how did a formerly well informed, fully armed citizenry degenerate into our current state? And how can we extricate ourselves from this mess without resorting to violence (since violence will only make things worse)?

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Map Of The Online World

Here is a map of the Internet which portrays websites as countries:

Source -

It seems to me that many of us are living there rather than in the "real" world, and I don't think that's a good thing.

Sick Universities

Here is an example of the sickness now prevalent in US colleges and universities:

Should this person be providing therapy, or receiving it? What do you think?

It seems to me that if we're going to punish "hate crimes", then this would be a good place to start.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Why We'll Never Be Rid Of COVID

This statement expresses a belief which I think is prevalent throughout the scientific community:

"If a coronavirus with the mortality of Ebola emerges, we are all screwed. And someday, one will emerge so we need to be ready."

I personally do not believe that, but influential people do. And because they do, they'll continue to push for vaccines with "rare" side effects to make certain we're ready.

In my view, the only way we could be "ready" is if the virus which "emerges" is one created by humanity, which apparently is exactly what happened with SARS-CoV-2.

You know, we were pretty safe here in the US until we allowed mass, uncontrolled international travel, stopped controlling our borders, and started funding gain-of-function research. As far as I am concerned, those were the MAJOR causal factors for the re-emergence of measles and for the COVID-19 pandemic.

But you can believe whatever you want and take all the vaccines they want you to take. Maybe it will help, maybe not. I've only got a few years left, and hopefully the "Ebola-covid" won't "emerge" before I'm ready to go.

When Doctors Can't Speak

Here is a helpful critique by Bari Weiss:

I always thought that if you lived through a revolution it would be obvious to everyone. As it turns out, that’s not true. Revolutions can be bloodless, incremental and subtle. And they don’t require a strongman. They just require a sufficient number of well-positioned true believers and cowards, like those sitting in the C-suite of nearly every major institution in American life.

That’s one of the lessons I have learned over the past few years as the institutions that have upheld the liberal order — our publishing houses, our universities, our schools, our non-profits, our tech companies — have embraced a Manichean ideology that divides people by identity and punishes anyone that doesn’t adhere to every aspect of that orthodoxy.

& & & & & & & &

But if any area is more urgent, it is the world of medicine, where the ability to speak truthfully is quite literally a matter of life and death. Without being able to discuss reality and take intellectual risks, it’s impossible to get to the truth. No truth, no medical progress.

Source -

And as you may be aware, we have been fed lies by the highest echelons of Big Med and Big Pharma, who made it virtually impossible for front line doctors to properly and effectively treat COVID-19 infections. In my view, those responsible should be prosecuted and if warranted punished. Instead they're still collecting fact paychecks and running the show>

Update - 6/7/2021

Here is a somewhat related discussion:

Friday, June 4, 2021

The Conspirators ???

Here are some interesting claims about people who appear to have been at the heart of the COVID-19 plandemic:

If such claims are true, why aren't these people under criminal investigation?

Cartel Land USA

And speaking of drones, drug cartels now are using them to conduct operations inside the USA:

This got me to thinking - we are a land run by cartels:

  • drug cartels
  • banking cartels
  • infotainment cartels
  • medical and pharma cartels
  • merchandising cartels
  • political cartels
  • energy cartels
  • etc.

Notice I didn't mention any names, but I think you know who I'm talking about.

Any belief the people of the USA are "free" or that we have "free markets" is absurd. We are debt slaves to multiple powerful cartels, and things have only been getting worse in the past few years.

It should by now be obvious the USA is a "failed state" which is incapable of controlling what happens within its own borders. Our government used to meaningfully regulate the activities now controlled by the above-mentioned cartels. The fact our "leaders" are now working together with them to fleece our remaining wealth should be of little comfort.

Losing Control Of Our Airspace

Here is the latest instance of drones from an unknown source buzzing potential targets in the US:

We ought to be highly concerned about this for at least two reasons:

1. This and other drones appear to have been reconnoitering military bases, power plants, and critical energy facilities; and

2. As stated in the above report, they are capable of eluding our aircraft.

If we keep messing with China, Iran, and Russia, sooner or later there will be war. And if they (or others?) can so easily invade our airspace, this time we are likely to be hit ... and hit hard.

We used to be a friendly nation, but now we're a hated bully under attack from inside and out.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Dying For An iPhone

Here is an essay by Chris Hedges about China's repressive labor system:

If you've been following Chris for a while, you will have noticed that his essays are always depressing, but wholly realistic. I wish he could be more upbeat, but after all this IS our world.

And it looks increasingly like the US is converging to the Chinese path. Now THAT should never have happened, but Amazon-Apple-Facebook-Google-Microsoft-Twitter and their cheerleaders at the WEF are the functional equivalent of the CCP.

Do you recall the closing lines of George Orwell's Animal Farm?

"Twelve voices were shouting in anger, and they were all alike. No question, now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which."

We're there, folks. What are you going to do about it?

How To Save A Sinking Ship

Here are some observations by Lawrence Kadish:

To be clear, [Joe Biden's] spending bill is actually the creation of a national debt so massive that it has the means to destabilize a democracy dependent on a functioning economy.

For the Chinese Communist Party, seeking to master the 21st Century as the one global superpower, it represents a strategic victory without so much as firing a single bullet. They know that an economically weakened America cannot possibly sustain its military leadership when it is burdened with paying down a massive debt. Our allies and unaligned nations recognize this threat as well, and will reinvent their relationship with China if they believe America's best days are in the past.

You can read the rest @

No one in Biden's wrecking crew has successfully operated anything on a balanced budget for quite some time, if ever.

When you're broke, you cannot spend your way out of poverty. One has to ask - is this just Phase Two of the lead-up to the Great Reset, Phase One having been the engineered pandemic response which destroyed our economy? If it is, we must hold a nationwide recall election and get these bastards out of power.

The Nutty Gates Reactor

Here is a report about a nuclear reactor which Bill Gates and Warren Buffett would like to build:

The US Navy once used a sodium-moderated reactor, in USS Seawolf (SSN-575), but replaced it almost immediately and abandoned the concept. According to ADM Hyman Rickover, such reactors were "expensive to build, complex to operate, susceptible to prolonged shutdown as a result of even minor malfunctions, and difficult and time-consuming to repair."

Perhaps Messrs. Gates and Buffett will have better success than ADM Rickover, but I doubt it. Neither man is fit to even shine Rickover's shoes.

By the way, the Navy buried the original Seawolf reactor at sea off the Atlantic coast of the US. Two decades later they searched for but could not find it.

Source -

Something tells me the Natrium reactor may suffer a similar fate.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

The Feds Role In Just About Everything

Here is a great analysis of the falling US birth rate and its potential causes:

Makes sense to me.

And as long as we maintain an open southern border, it's really no big deal ... right?

I really think the one hand DOES know what the other is doing, don't you? Would billionaires who want to be trillionaires leave all this to chance?

The New Stalins

Here is a description of how Stalin's paranoia helped destroy the Soviet military in the years before WWII:

Clearly, wokism may do the same thing to the US military.

In my view, "our" government has decided there is no longer any role for a conventional army or navy. Anything such forces could do before can now be privatized and contracted out. And any advantage we could gain from their warmaking experience can be replaced with AI and autonomous killer robots.

Of course, being dumbasses like Stalin, they won't realize the error of their ways until the Skynet they are creating turns on them, too.

War is stupid, and all attempts to make it unstupid will fail. But I think that is a lesson we shall never learn.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Bashar al-Assad Vs. Joe Biden

Consider the recent election in Syria:

President Bashar al-Assad was re-elected for a fourth seven-year term after winning 95 percent of votes cast. The achievement is stunning. It completely refutes – indeed makes a mockery of – the Western narrative depicting Assad as a "tyrant". 

Despite all the grueling hardships, the Syrian people turned out in droves to vote on Thursday. The turnout was over 78 percent with more than 14 million votes cast out of an eligible 18 million electorate.

Source -

Meanwhile in the US, Mr. Biden allegedly won by a slim margin in what many believe to have been a rigged election.

Which of these men, if either, is a legitimate president?

To the best of my knowledge, no one in Syria is threatening or attacking the US; while it seems the US is threatening and attacking Syria on a near-daily basis. Which has a more legitimate foreign policy? Syria wants to survive, while the US wants to destroy. Which do you think is right?