Saturday, October 24, 2020

Another Governor Threatened ???

You may have heard of the alleged plot to kidnap the Governor of Michigan. If not, you can read about it here:

Now a similar alleged plot has surfaced in Ohio:

While the first plot made the national "front page" news, the second has not (at least not yet). Why the difference?

Here are some factors which may explain why:

1. Michigan's governor is a woman, while Ohio's is a man.

2. Michigan's governor is a Democrat, while Ohio's is a Republican.

3. Michigan's alleged plotters were men, while Ohio's alleged plotter is a woman.

4. Michigan's alleged plotters are alleged to be militia members, while Ohio's alleged plotter appears to belong to no particular group.

Whatever the case, it's quite likely that similar alleged plots will be discovered in the wake of the 2020 election. Let's hope that justice will be meted out fairly and impartially when they do.

Not all men are guilty, and not all women are innocent.

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