Saturday, October 31, 2020

Meet The New Fuhrers

Here is an edition of The Corbett Report which explains "the great reset":

About one minute into the embedded video, the Great Fuhrer of the World Economic Forum implies that our current obsolete systems are responsible for a "fundamental lack of social cohesion, fairness, inclusion, and equality".

Yes, they are. But he fails to mention that it was people like him who created the existing systems in the first place. Why should We the People expect him and the rest of the new fuhrers now to create new systems which will be any better? Just because he says so?

As robots and AI continue to destroy human jobs, the ability of most of humanity to feed itself will go to zero. The systems suggested by the Great Fuhrer can only feed us by controlling not just all means of production, but also the means of distribution and the conditions of accessibility. Is it credible that such power would not be used to control each and every aspect of our lives?

There is no democracy here, other than a phony version which relies on the ignorance of the mob to support the very monsters who so viciously prey on the rest of us.

By the way, here's a taste of how the new global monetary system may operate:

In essence, the central bank(s) will continue to gift fiat money to the rich while placing the burden for the ongoing debasement of our currency on the rest of us.

Are you happy now? I'm not.

Update 11/1/2020

Here are the observations of another critic:

Whether or not you consider the great reset to be a "plot", it definitely will destroy whatever is left of human freedom.

Elon The Great

We should have seen this coming:

SpaceX will not recognise international law on Mars, according to the Terms of Service of its Starlink internet project.

Elon Musk’s space company will instead reportedly adhere to a set of "self-governing principles" that will be defined at the time of Martian settlement.

Source -

I'm sure these principles will include freedom from paying earthly taxes while having the power to tax and rule anyone who moves to Mars.

Today's tech titans don't want democracy or accountability any more than did the robber barons of the past.

Antifa On The Rise ???

"When fascism comes to America, it will be called antifascism."
– Huey Long (misattributed)
Source -

This must be how it felt in 1930s Germany. And we all know how that turned out.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Bye-Bye To The Intercept

You may have heard that Glenn Greenwald has resigned from The Intercept. If not, you can read about it here:

I used to scan their website daily, but I don't consider them worthy of my time any more.

Over the years, I have noticed their articles slowly veering away from anything which appeals to me.


Thursday, October 29, 2020

The US Intelligence Community

Not content with spending more on "defense" than nearly all our potential enemies combined, we also pour billions down the "intelligence" rathole:

The U.S. Intelligence Community is composed of the following 17 organizations:

Two independent agencies - the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA);

Eight Department of Defense elements - the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the National Security Agency (NSA), the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), and intelligence elements of the four DoD services; the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force;

Seven elements of other departments and agencies - the Department of Energy’s Office of Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence; the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis and U.S. Coast Guard Intelligence; the Department of Justice’s Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Drug Enforcement Agency’s Office of National Security Intelligence; the Department of State’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research; and the Department of the Treasury’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis.

Source -

Are you, like me, puzzled why the list doesn't include Facebook, Google, Twitter, CNN, and the rest of the MSM and social media organizations?

Are you also puzzled why with so much potential intelligence, we're getting our asses kicked by the Chinese? Might it have something to do with the help given them by the Clintons, the Bidens, and our alleged "friends" the Israelis?

Just asking ...

Giving MOAB To Israel ???

According to this report, Congress may vote to give the MOAB to Israel:

The report uses the word "sale", but how much would you like to bet we'll give it to them free of charge?

Clearly, this would be a bomb used against Iran, and maybe Syria.

If the Israelis have no way to deliver it, does this mean we'd also give them huge bombers, too?

If that's the case, why not just bomb Iran ourselves? Or don't we have the balls to do it?

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Water On The Moon

NASA just announced the discovery of water on the moon. You can read about it here:

The NASA team says that each kilogram of lunar soil contains between 100 milligrams and 400 milligrams of water, or about one raindrop’s worth. They claim it would be "relatively easy" to melt the glassy materials and, in essence, mine the water.

That's not a lot of water, and so far no one has explained how much energy it would take to mine it and how that energy would be generated. In fact NASA isn't even sure how the basic electricity needs of long-term moon missions can be met, since most lunar locations are in darkness for two weeks at a time.

So I guess there is room for optimism, but don't expect to see any big cities on the moon any time soon.

Anarchy In The US

Here is an essay by John W. Whitehead lamenting the state of our nation:

As a bonus, it contains a synopsis of the best films of John Carpenter. The Thing is my personal favorite.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

The Corrupt US Government

Here is a great essay by Robert Gore:

I'm certain there are some honest people in our government, but I'm also certain the leadership is rotten to the core.

What do you think?

Challenger Vs. Chernobyl

I have been watching the Netflix series about the Challenger space shuttle explosion, and one episode showed a newspaper which also had a headline about the Chernobyl nuclear plant disaster. The Chernobyl event happened just a couple months after Challenger.

It occurred to me that both disasters happened for more or less the same reason - trained, presumably intelligent engineers and managers ignored warnings and/or bypassed safeguards to allow an evolution to take place (i.e., a shuttle launch and a reactor test). In both cases they should have known of the potential consequences, but they approved them just the same.

By the way, in a former life I was irradiated by soil from the Chernobyl site while working in a US government lab. The scientists responsible for the soil stored it in the area where I worked, and I didn't have a choice in the matter. I eventually learned that my lab was the most radioactive one on the block, so I took the first opportunity to seek other employment.

What Happened To The Flu ???

According to this report, cases of influenza are significantly lower than in the past:

My guess is that many so-called "COVID-19 cases" are really folks who have the flu but who are diagnosed with COVID.

Just guessing ...

Update 10/28/2020

I'm also guessing these reports contain additional clues about what is happening:

Monday, October 26, 2020

The Most Important Thing You'll Read Today

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has made the following predictions for 2030:

1. "You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy about it."

2. "The U.S. won’t be the world’s leading superpower."

3. "You won’t die waiting for an organ donor."

4. "You’ll eat much less meat."

5. "A billion people will be displaced by climate change."

6. "Polluters will have to pay to emit carbon dioxide."

7. "You could be preparing to go to Mars."

8. "Western values will have been tested to the breaking point."

Source -

Watch the 1:33 minute video embedded in the link for additional details.

While No. 3 and No. 7 are pie in the sky predictions (for a select few, a.k.a. "the rich"), the rest all are achievable on our current trajectory. All that's needed is to let nature take its course, and for corporate will and power to force us to accept such "improvements" to our way of life.

Think about this - 2030 is just 10 years away. Many of us will live to see the outcome.

Trump's reelection, if it happens, isn't likely to get in the way. He doesn't have the wisdom, courage, or support to really make a difference. The WEF will be calling the shots. Woe is us:

Sunday, October 25, 2020

The Power Of Money

Here is a working paper from the Bank for International Settlements discussing the flow of international capital:

Underlying all this is the fact that money created in the US banking system can be channeled anywhere in the world by the people who control it. "Our" Congress allows this to happen, and I would argue the ability to shift capital in this manner without taxation or other penalty is one of the chief factors leading to the empowerment of the ultra wealthy and the destruction of the USA.

Call me an "isolationist" if you will, but I'm for America first. How about you?

More Russia Hysteria

Just in time for the election, here's another fear-mongering claim about the Russians:

First of all, it has been proven the Russians did not interfere in the 2016 election in any consequential way. It's likely the same will be true for the 2020 election.

Second, as a former trained Senior Reactor Operator I can attest that US nuclear plants have no compelling reason to be attached to the Internet. They can be completely controlled using equipment and instrumentation located on the site. Any external connections ought to be protected against intrusion, and if they are not that's the fault of the plant's owners ... not the Russians.

Finally, the REAL villain here is the Internet itself. Its very existence is responsible for the following:

1. Anyone, anywhere in the world can steal your identity.

2. Anyone, anywhere in the world can steal your money.

3. Anyone, anywhere in the world can steal your data and your intimate secrets.

4. Anyone, anywhere in the world can tamper with our elections and just about every aspect of our existence.

5. Children of all ages now have ready access to drugs, porn, all manner of depravity, and messages of insurrection and sedition.

Who in their right mind would have allowed such a system to be created and implemented, especially with the flimsy "protections" it now has?

You want security and decency? Shut down the Internet, rip it's infrastructure off the face of the earth, and go back to the way we did things in the 50s. Is that too backward for you? Well good ... then you can suffer with the mess we're now in until it totally wrecks the entire country (as if it hasn't already).

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Can You Spell Kaboom ???

Here is a puff piece suggesting that existing natural gas lines can be used to transport hydrogen:

Nowhere does it address whether such existing infrastructure can be used SAFELY for this purpose.

In a former life, I was the pre-op test engineer for the offgas system at a boiling water nuclear reactor power station. The offgas system carries byproduct hydrogen gas and is designed to do so safely. To demonstrate its ability to safely carry hydrogen, the system was tested for leaks using helium, a light element whose leakage characteristics are as close to hydrogen as possible.

Existing natural gas pipelines and other infrastructure almost certainly have not been subject to such testing. Therefore, it is not possible to claim they would be safe when transporting hydrogen.

If your gas company tries to put hydrogen in the pipes of your gas system, demand that they do helium leak testing first. If they don't or won't, tell them NO WAY !!!

Another Governor Threatened ???

You may have heard of the alleged plot to kidnap the Governor of Michigan. If not, you can read about it here:

Now a similar alleged plot has surfaced in Ohio:

While the first plot made the national "front page" news, the second has not (at least not yet). Why the difference?

Here are some factors which may explain why:

1. Michigan's governor is a woman, while Ohio's is a man.

2. Michigan's governor is a Democrat, while Ohio's is a Republican.

3. Michigan's alleged plotters were men, while Ohio's alleged plotter is a woman.

4. Michigan's alleged plotters are alleged to be militia members, while Ohio's alleged plotter appears to belong to no particular group.

Whatever the case, it's quite likely that similar alleged plots will be discovered in the wake of the 2020 election. Let's hope that justice will be meted out fairly and impartially when they do.

Not all men are guilty, and not all women are innocent.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Evidence For ChinaGate ???

Here is the latest Biden dirt I've seen:

This is all hard to follow, but it appears the Biden family is enabling China to buy the 2020 presidential election.

Note well the anti-Trump wing of the FBI broke the law rules in its attempt to manufacture evidence against him and his staff, while they now seem to be totally ignoring REAL evidence of Biden family crimes.

At this point, we're facing a lose-lose scenario. If Biden wins, the Left will continue their destruction of the USA. If Trump wins, the Left will STILL continue their destruction of the USA.

This wouldn't be happening without the support of the 0.01%.

The Fourth Turning

Here is James Quinn's powerful critique of where we are and where we're headed. A bit lengthy, but spot on:

I have not read The Fourth Turning, but we appear to be living its predictions.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Gold and Silver Vs. Fiat Currency

Here is a graphic showing the relative production of gold coins, silver coins, and paper (fiat) currency:

Source -

Makes you wonder if all that paper is really worth anything.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Curbing Wrong Thinking

Here is a great discussion by Professor Jonathan Turley about the imposition of corporate censorship in the USA:

The US government is not going to stop this. It has neither the power nor the inclination to do so, and such censorship supports the great reset.

Lowering The Boom

According to this source, world leaders are planning to force people into accepting "The World Debt Reset Program":

Before you dismiss this as just another "conspiracy theory", consider the following:

1. All the elements of the program (digital currency, vaccine stuff, UBI, etc.) are being developed. Did this happen by accident or by design?

2. Humans are far exceeding the ability of our planet to support us. Is it credible that world leaders would do NOTHING to address this issue?

3. Robots and AI are and will continue to take away jobs currently done by humans. Is it credible that world leaders would do NOTHING to address this additional issue?

US federal, state, and local governments seem to be doing little or nothing to address our real problems. Their acquiescence to the continued printing of fiat money in a phony effort to keep our economy afloat will drive us further into the clutches of the economic hit men and women.

What's coming will be one of the greatest shifts ripoffs in history. Be prepared.