Sunday, August 2, 2020

Is This Acceptable ???

Manufacturers of the more or less untested COVID-19 vaccines will not be liable for any injuries caused by their products:

I find that unacceptable. Congress does NOT have the power to waive our constitutional rights.

What do YOU think?

Update 8/3/2020

Here is a statement about "approved" concerns regarding vaccines:

Among their concerns: Early evidence that any vaccine works would lead to political pressure from the administration for emergency approval by the Food and Drug Administration. That conflict between science and politics might cause some people to not trust the vaccine and refuse to take it, which would undermine the global campaign to stop the pandemic. Or it could lead to a product that is not fully protective. Confidence in routine childhood vaccinations, already shaken, could decline further.

Source -

Note that vaccine-caused INJURY is not among them.

Nor will it ever be, as long as the manufacturers are "legally" shielded from liability.

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