Friday, March 22, 2019

Restore The Electoral College

According to some, we don't need an "electoral college":

I think The Founders had the following in mind:

a. We The People are represented in the House;

b. The several states are represented in the Senate; and

c. The president is chosen by a "college" of the best and brightest people in the land.

We've essentially allowed "a" to become meaningless. The Civil War destroyed "b", and our current system has made a mockery of "c".

All these provisions should be RESTORED, not eliminated or changed. And the provision that direct taxes should be EQUAL also should be restored. Our government is supposed to be funded by taxes and levies on trade and commerce, not by onerous taxes levied on We the People.

And we need good and intelligent people as our chief executives, not celebrities and clowns elected by children and non-citizens and paid by corporations and foreign interests.


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