Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Three Instructive Comparisons

Here are some comparisons from the land of rank hypocrisy:

(1) A Turkish court charged two Vice News journalists and their assistant on Monday with "aiding a terrorist organization" and ordered them arrested pending trial. Their employer has called the charges "baseless and alarmingly false."

You can read all about it @


Maybe the Turks are imitating the US military, which recently issued a Law of War Manual which allows military commanders to detain journalists as “unprivileged belligerents” for any number of perceived offenses.

(2) Shannon J. Miles is accused of killing Deputy Darren Goforth. "The gun holds 14 in the magazine and one in the chamber," Anderson told reporters after the hearing. "He unloaded the entire pistol into Deputy Goforth."

You can read all about it @


Maybe Mr. Miles was imitating the police, who frequently empty their firearms into suspects who are armed with little more than a cell phone or a pocket knife.

(3) A 6-foot tall statue of Jesus that has spent the last 60 years overlooking a northwestern Montana ski hill may stay there, a federal appeals court ruled Monday.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected arguments from a group of atheists and agnostics that allowing the statue to remain on U.S. Forest Service land violates the constitutional separation of church and state.

Two members of the three-judge panel agreed with U.S. District Judge Dana Christensen of Montana, who found that the statue’s secular and irreverent uses outweighed its religious uses.

In June of 2013 Christensen wrote that “Big Mountain Jesus has been the subject of much frivolity over the years,” serving as a meeting place for skiers, a wedding location and being festooned with ski hats, goggles, Mardi Gras beads and other secular decorations.

You can read all about it @


Apparently US courts believe it is permissible to MOCK Jesus on public lands, but not to revere or worship Him there.

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Are We The People aware of what's going on in our country? If we are, why are we putting up with this crap?

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