Tuesday, December 2, 2014

WikiLeaks Condemns First Look Media

First Look Media has decided to censor itself, but WikiLeaks thinks this is a bad idea:


I understand the rationale being used by both sides, but here's the real problem:

  • First Look says it censors itself to prevent violence and/or death, but the underlying reason for that possible violence and/or death is not the leaks themselves but the megalomania of the US police state; and
  • Assange's belief that by publishing everything you deprive criminal governments of their normal places to hide is a marvelous idea that comes at a high initial cost to that police state.

For far too long we have been told that we don't have the clearance to know what "our" government is doing. That is probably the number one reason why government of, by, and for the people has vanished from the earth.

The US national security state and its bastard child called "continuity of government" have destroyed the United States of America envisioned by our Founders. They (the NSS and COG) cannot remain in their current form if the USA is to be rebuilt.

Unfortunately, We The People do not have the means to change them. So now what do we do?

We can start by understanding the benefits of "total transparancy". Once we do, we'll understand why Obama ad-Dajjal and others have no intention of allowing us to achieve it and why his "most transparent administration in history" has become such a sick joke:


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