Sunday, February 9, 2020

What Hath Limbaugh Wrought ???

Here is Maureen Dowd vilifying President Trump and his awarding of the Medal of Freedom to Rush Limbaugh:

Hard on her heels came news of the death of Orson Bean, a man we now learn was father-in-law to the late Andrew Breitbart, who in turn was persuaded by Bean to read a book by Rush Limbaugh which apparently inspired him to change from liberal to conservative and build the Breitbart media empire:

My in-laws used to start their day by listening to a recording of Limbaugh's radio program. They ran a successful small business, and like Breitbart the Limbaugh message appealed to them in ways I could never quite fathom. Were they "haters" and bully lovers? I doubt they saw themselves that way, and I never gave it much thought until today.

One thing I can tell you is this - I once published a small pamphlet titled "American Fundamentals". I sent a copy to Limbaugh which he never acknowledged. But when his book The Way Things Ought to Be was later published, I noticed many of his themes eerily echoed those in my pamphlet. Had he plagiarized my work? I have no idea. But at least in that moment of time, my mind and his seem to have been thinking in the same direction. Pretty creepy, no?

Does that make me a hater and bully lover, too? Perhaps it did then, but today I am 180 degrees away from the Ditto Head way of thinking. Limbaugh may make sense if you reside inside his EIB echo chamber, but to the rest of the country his ideas sound more like "the way things USED to be and never should be again".

Maybe after the coming great schism we'll split into two nations, one left and the other right (no pun intended). At this point I don't think I'll want to live in either of them. I hear Uruguay is offering a great immigration deal, although I don't think I can afford the entrance fee:

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