Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Open Borders Death Wish

How is the EU responding to COVID-19?

Even as the coronavirus begins to spread around the continent, EU officials have steadfastly refuse to implement border controls, insisting that the sanctity of open borders is more important.

Source -

How about the sanctity of human life? These people are nuts.

I always thought that in a democracy the people decided what should or should not be done. How many of you are in favor of "open borders", even to the point of allowing disease carriers to freely cross our borders? I certainly am not.

Profits and globalism are NOT more important than the health and safety of We the People. Anyone who does not understand that should NOT be in charge of our future.


  1. In case you're one of those who doesn't believe what your leaders are telling you, here is an alternative point of view:

  2. And here is more of the "resistance is futile" point of view:

    Please note how US 'health experts' keep saying there is nothing we can do to protect ourselves other than washing our hands. I'll bet you they'll be wearing masks themselves when the shit hits the fan.
