Wednesday, August 31, 2022

World Spiritual Monarchy

Here is an essay by Alexander Dugin which I recommend you all read:

His daughter Darya Dugina recently was murdered by a car bomb apparently meant for him. This essay was written three days before that tragedy.


What Dugin is describing is the struggle between Christ and Antichrist. And all indications are that Russia is supporting Christianity, while the West (led by the US) is supporting the rise of the Antichrist.

If you don't believe me, please read the essay again. And then ask yourself what the hell we are really doing, and why.

The future of humanity is at stake. Literally.

By the way, here is a related discussion. There are many current and future souls in Africa waiting to be harvested:

We can expect competition for them to be fierce.

RIP Gorby

Many of us probably thought this ad with a Gorby impostor was funny:

Well not any more:

According to Russian media outlet Kommersant, via Reuters, Yum! has sold all Russian Pizza Hut locations to a local proprietor called Noi-M for 300 million rubles (equivalent to $4.92 million). The new owner is reportedly actively working to rebrand the franchise.

Source -

Maybe they should call Papa John.

RIP Mikhail. If you had the chance, would you do it all over again?

Modeled To Death

Here is a seldom discussed aspect of the COVID fiasco:

Throughout restrictions which Lord Sumption called a “catastrophe”, we were exposed to the mantra of ‘follow the science’. But unfortunately, the only ‘science’ that seems to have been followed in the major decisions is that of modelers and government departments.

Models are akin to opinions. If they are science, the evidence they provide sits on the lowest rung of the ladder. Modelers are accountable to no one; most have never seen a patient in their lives as they have no clinical background, which impedes their understanding of how people behave. Individuals are not herds of buffalo. Some modelers have a consistent track record of getting their predictions dramatically wrong with (again) catastrophic consequences.

Source -

Today lots of things are based on models. But humans are not models, we're the real thing. And no model has yet been sophisticated enough to accurately portray us.

Garbage in, garbage out, and garbage in between.

The Downside Of EVs

Here are 10 facts about EVs we all should consider before we take the plunge:

The bottom line? When this is all over, unless you're wealthy you won't be driving. And if you are, you won't be going very far.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Artemis 0

I watched the NASA countdown yesterday until the Artemis I mission was scrubbed. Disappointing, but better safe than sorry.

These problems keep recurring, so this is either a design issue or a quality control one. Hope they fix this soon, and I do mean FIX ... not just band-aid.

I listened to the C-SPAN call-in program during the countdown and found many of the comments amusing. Chief among them was the belief our current Moon missions and future Mars missions were important because we have to find another place to go after we make Earth unlivable.

The 8 billion humans now living on our planet are NOT going to Mars. I would be surprised if more than 8 thousand ever make it. Not with today's technology. It's just too far and costs too much to go there.

I think the most likely scenario already has appeared in the movies - a few people will go somewhere with a large cohort of embryos, which will be developed once the final destination is reached. In that way human life could be preserved apart from a dying Earth, and at minimal expense.

But it's quite likely the embryos which make the journey will be genetically altered either to better survive the journey or to tailor them for conditions in their new "home". If that's the case, can we even say it will be "humanity" which will be saved?

My personal belief is that planet Earth is our one and only chance at survival. We either fix this mess we have caused, or we go down with the ship (so to speak).

And one thing we better get in our heads is that we CANNOT thrive in a sea of our own waste. We either reduce our numbers and live in harmony with a restored natural balance, or we choke to death from our own pollution.

And the clock is rapidly ticking.

By the way, I heard the Saturn V rockets were built with an eye on going to Mars. But after the initial Moon missions, we abandoned the program and lost all the related technology because the Vietnam War nearly bankrupted the country. I have a premonition the Ukraine "war" will do something similar to our current space-related plans. We're on the fast track to Western bankruptcy and a great "reset", and once that happens I doubt going to Mars will EVER be allotted enough resources to be anything more than the pipe dream it always has been.


Here is an excellent essay by Victor Davis Hanson which explains how skewed our political discourse has become:

I don't think a nation has been this deluded since the fall of Nazi Germany.

Monday, August 29, 2022

Steve Bannon And Emmet Sweeney Spell It Out

I never had any particular liking for Steve Bannon, but he often knows what he's talking about:

That's exactly what the saboteurs want - by the time we figure out what they've done to us, we won't be able to do anything about it.

Are you happy now?

By the way, here is an essay which explains why the "war" in Ukraine goes hand in hand with The Great Reset:

The war currently underway in Ukraine, which pits Ukraine as a proxy for the collective West against Russia, is primarily an ideological or religious one, with Russia representing what is left of Christian Europe, and “the West” representing a totalitarian ideology that abhors religion in general and Christianity in particular. This statement may sound strange, given the fact that some Westerners – though fewer every day – still see “the West,” (basically Europe and North America) as Christian, and Russia as Communist, or crypto-Communist. But this is no longer the case, and has not been for some considerable time. In fact, the thirty years that have passed since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Soviet Union, has seen a complete reversal of roles; the collective West is now a totalitarian and aggressively anti-religious power-block that seeks to export its anti-Christian and anti-human ideology onto the rest of the world. And Russia is loathed by the West’s ruling elite precisely because it has resisted this process and moreover has gone in the opposite direction: having once been an active proponent of “scientific materialism” and atheism, Russia has reverted to its Orthodox Christian roots and has rolled back the more pernicious policies and attitudes of the Soviet era.

TPTB have to convince you they're still the good guys, while Russia is evil, a perspective which is the exact opposite of reality.

Are you starting to understand what's going on?

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Why Monkeypox, And Why Now ???

Here is a report in The New York Times which describes the novel features of infection with the current strain of "monkeypox": [subscription may be required to read]

And here is a report which suggests this is not monkeypox at all:

While this may or may not be related to one of the vials mentioned in the Book of Revelation, it does raise some interesting questions:

  • Is this really monkeypox, or something else?
  • What is the mRNA vaccination status of the victims? Note the NYT report says nothing about that variable.

Here's a possibility - perhaps this monkeypox-like virus has been circulating globally as a passenger virus, and it is now being activated in people whose immune systems were degraded by the mRNA "vaccines" for SARS-CoV-2.

Is this why TPTB claim we'll experience a decade of pandemics?

Gun Nuts

I think there are two kinds of gun nuts in the US:

  • gun owners, blessed by the sacrament of the Second Amendment, who cannot figure out a single useful political purpose for all their firepower; and
  • gun haters, who scoff at the Second Amendment, but who want the government to use violence (especially gun violence) against everyone they don't like.

My position on firearms is best expressed by the following observation made by Audre Lorde many years ago:

The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house. They may allow us temporarily to beat him at his own game, but they will never enable us to bring about genuine change.

The legend of the Minutemen at Lexington and Concord implies that guns were tools of their liberation, and as a nation we had previously promoted the private ownership of firearms partly because, in the words of the Second Amendment, they were “necessary to the security of a free State”.

But in reality guns are tools of subjugation, oppression, regime change, and counterinsurgency. They can never “dismantle the master’s house” because as one of the master’s chief tools, they are essential to the very building and maintenance of that house.

The proof of this is writ large in America’s history. How did our ancestors clear North America of its original inhabitants? By giving them guns, liquor, and blankets contaminated with smallpox or the measles. And how do we continue to subjugate the peoples around the world whose natural resources and/or land we covet? By giving them guns, drugs, and HIV/AIDS. Would we have given them guns if firearms were tools of liberation? Of course not.

Every instance in which we gave guns to so-called “freedom fighters” was motivated by a desire for regime change and subjugation. And the result nearly every time was a new regime which oppressed its own people so that our extractive businesses could siphon off the wealth of that nation while its American-armed new rulers kept the local population under control. It was a well-honed strategy which worked everywhere, including right here in the good ol’ U S of A.

The master knows us well. He was there when we were created.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Rad Waste Is Forever

At least two of the single shell tanks storing radioactive liquid waste at the Hanford Site are leaking:

As far as I can tell, the US has no credible plan for the long term management of our nuclear waste. Until we do, it would be the height of folly to build MORE nuclear reactors.

And if the clowns who want us to build more nukes (e.g., Bill Gates) either do not know or are ignoring this, then I suggest we stop listening to them.

By the way, there is real danger at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine, regardless of who is doing the shelling or why.

All nuclear power plants are susceptible to an accident known as total loss of power. The fuel in the reactor(s) and spent fuel storage pools must be kept cool via the removal of heat from the decay of fission products. The ability to cool them is dependent on both onsite and offsite power sources.

If both types of sources are interrupted, and especially if cooling systems are damaged (by earthquake, artillery strikes, etc.), then a meltdown of some magnitude may be inevitable. That is what happened at Fukushima, and given the circumstances it's quite possible at Zaporizhzhia.

For this reason, all six reactors should be shutdown and cooled down as far as possible, as soon as possible, AND kept in that state until the war is over. And I mean REALLY over.

If that means no power to Ukraine, then so be it. If the world wants to argue about who is to blame, go ahead. But we shouldn't really care, since the only thing which matters right now is to prevent a disaster.

Update - 8/28/2022

Ukes have cut all offsite power supplies to the plant:

Stop focusing on Ukraine's power supply, since they are the ones who cut the lines. The true significance is that a sitewide loss of power accident is now much more likely. And this appears to be intentional.

Update - 8/31/2022

What I said:

The sooner the better. It takes a while to dissipate the residual and decay heat.

By the way, the Ukes apparently have the same problem we do - they store spent fuel on site instead of in a geological repository. A bad idea all around.

Starlink Has Been Weaponized

According to this report, El-On Musk's Starlink has been weaponized:

This leads me to believe the claim of turning Twitter into a "free speech" platform may have been  a ploy to get the gullible to reveal their secrets to the US police state.

By the way, if you take a close look at Facebook, Google, etc., you may find the same applies to them. They seem to be useful tools for most people, but anything we put on their servers is subject to confiscation.

TPTB could have ruled the US Constitution gives us the right to absolute privacy, but they did the exact opposite. They are NOT your friend.

In this society, NO ONE is really your friend.

Update - 10/8/2022

What's this all about?

Did El-On have second thoughts about using Starlink to kill Russians, or did the Russkies figure out how to jam it?

Friday, August 26, 2022

Two Qualifications For Office In The West

There seem to be only two current qualifications for high public office in the West:

  1. undying support for Israel, and
  2. undying hatred for Russia.

Here are two recent examples of this political principle:

Exactly what do We the People get from this? In my view ... NOTHING. Many of us will be cold and hungry this winter, but those holding high public office will not. They'll be sipping sherry while ordering their police and military forces to beat back their own people.

Except we're not really their own people, are we? We're just useless people [their words, not mine].

By the way, here is a brief synopsis of what those holding high public office in the West have been doing:

The peoples of the world don't hate us for our freedoms. They hate us because our governments are looting their resources and killing them.

It's as simple as that. But we seem somehow too stupid to see it.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Student Loan Debt

The president thinks he can "forgive" student loan debt. The US Constitution appears to say otherwise:

Article 1, Section 9

7. No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.

Article 1, Section 10

1. No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.

One can argue around these clauses or propose other ways to "forgive" debt, but I think the real target here is the GOP. Anyone in the GOP who attacks Biden's action will be labeled as a hater of the poor students, adding to the possibility Democrats will retain control of Congress, or even increase their majority in both houses.

Meanwhile, we're failing to deal with at least two major problems:

  • we can ill afford more federal debt, and
  • degrees which don't lead to well paying jobs are of little value.
Update - 8/26/2022

Here is additional discussion:

Biden is nuts. I don't think he even knows what is or is not legal or constitutional. What do you think?

And here is support for my claim about targeting the GOP:

Financial Ruin

The legacy of the economic hit men:

How can we possibly afford this?

Walking Is Healthy, Too

You may have read that California intends to ban gasoline powered cars.

Something like this will be the inevitable result:

Get your bikes now, and a few pairs of good walking shoes. Don't wait until the Chinese cut off trade with us.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Rise Of The Saboteurs

A strange news bulletin appeared in the February 8, 1968 edition of The New York Times:

BENTRE, Feb. 7 (AP) - "It became necessary to destroy the town to save it," a United States major said today. He was talking about the decision by allied commanders to bomb and shell the town regardless of civilian casualties, to rout the Vietcong.

Although the authenticity of this particular news bulletin has been questioned, its message is of paramount importance to the future of the United States. This is because "Joe Biden" and his saboteurs have decided they have to destroy the country in order to save it.

Don't believe me? Consider the following:

(1) He's waging war on domestic production and distribution of natural gas:

(2) It's likely Biden's EPA will regulate air pollution produced by residential and commercial heating appliances, a move that would require homeowners and businesses to swap out their heating and hot water furnaces:

(3) Biden's energy transition czar probably doesn't care, since she thinks the basket of deplorables can all just buy solar cell arrays to power their homes:

(4) And like PM Turdeau's Canada, it's likely the 85,000 new IRS agents in the US will be tasked to force people to pay taxes or fines when their carbon footprint exceeds the alloted value:

(5) At least in Belgium, they're telling people what the next decade is gonna be like. No such transparency here:

And that's merely PART of the damage they are causing to our economy and our nation.

Face it, Build Back Better and the ersatz war in Ukraine are a smokescreen for what's really going on - The Great Reset:

  • We're gonna get digital IDs
  • We're gonna get a digital currency
  • We're gonna get a carbon footprint allowance and a food ration card
  • We're gonna own nothing and be happy, or we'll be cancelled

Did anyone ask you if you wanted ANY of this? Was it brought up during any political campaigns and debated in public? Were we offered any alternatives? The answers, of course, are NO ... NO ... and NO. So how is this a democracy?

THE SABOTEURS are in charge. We better figure out FAST who they're really working for and put a stop to all this, or you can kiss your country goodbye.

Update - 8/28/2022

Here is additional discussion:

This will make EVERYONE a potential criminal, with the state gathering unimpeachable evidence of your crimes via warrantless surveillance.

Are you happy now?

A Question Of Morality

"Of the twenty-two civilizations that have appeared in history, nineteen of them collapsed when they reached the moral state the United States is in now." - Arnold Joseph Toynbee

You can find an accurate description of that moral state (and other indicators of decline) here:

We are witnessing the controlled demolition of our civilization. I'm quite certain we're not going to like its replacement.

Russian Battlefield Supremacy ???

Here is an interesting analysis of Russia's ability to control the airspace over a battlefield:

If this is accurate, any direct war with Russia would be no cake walk.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Commodifying Humanity

Now the Davos/WEF beast wants to microchip your children:

Leaving aside the possibility this might literally be "the mark of the beast", do you really want to turn your children into commodities? I don't.

I have yet to hear of any REAL benefit accrued by We the People from the ongoing wave of surveillance capitalism. Have you?

Lord Fauci Leaving ???

According to this report, Dr. Fauci will be "stepping down" later this year:

In all fairness, can we really call this "50 years of public service"? Yes, he fed from the public trough for 50 years, but one does not become a multimillionaire by serving the public. Quite the opposite.

As they say, the love of money is the root of all evil, and I'm not aware that Dr. Fauci has done anything which disproves that aphorism.

Update - 8/24/2022

Here is additional discussion:

Public service, my ass. He screwed entire generations.

Monday, August 22, 2022

Election Malfeasance ???

Here are two reports with stark implications for future elections in the US, especially this November 8:


Is the Census Bureau incompetent, or has it been politicized, too?


Considering his track record, I don't think Mr. Zuckerberg has our best interests in mind. Do you?

I came across this JFK quote today:

I think it accurately describes what the US has become. TPTB don't trust us to vote the way they want us to, so they're going out of their way to ensure they get the electoral outcome THEY want.

And they'll stop at nothing. If history tells us anything, it's that we'll let them get away with it again.

By the way, in ancient Rome November 8 was a date on which the door to the Underworld (i.e., the gate to Hell) was open. For that reason military and public matters were not transacted on that day.

Considering the state of the world, perhaps we shouldn't either.

On The Horizon

In case you did not know, Fauci et al. are conducting gain of function research on the Spanish flu virus:

This in spite of what just happened with SARS-CoV-2, and in apparent disregard of the testimony of 3 expert witnesses during Senator Rand Paul's recent hearing on the subject.

What ... we don't ALREADY have enough lethal viruses in our arsenal? This is NOT progress.

Consider that smallpox had been eradicated globally, but now it's making a comeback.

And polio had almost been eradicated globally, but thanks to the misguided efforts of Bill Gates et al., now it's making a comeback, too:

There's that "extremely low risk" BS again. If it's that low, why is it now an ubiquitous threat we're now being informed of almost daily?

And considering all that, ask yourself what is the point of THIS new PR campaign?

So, not only is natural immunity NOT a thing, but now breastfeeding isn't "natural" either? WTF?

Actually the anti-breastfeeding movement is not new. One of its bases is that the antibodies passed from mother to infant interfere with the "vaccines" Big Med and Big Pharma want all infants to take. So moms shouldn't breastfeed, even if it means their babies might starve.

The BIG question we should be asking is "does that strategy make us healthier?" I would argue the answer is a resounding NO.

But wait, there's more. Now the Davos/WEF beast is drooling over the prospect of mass alteration of the human genome using the nifty new tools now available:

Will such alterations be a good thing? Considering the fact that many recent such experiments have had widespread tragic adverse effects, I don't think they're worth the risk. Do you?

We're here in large part because our immune systems have been fine tuned by millions of years of ACTUAL evolution. If you think the current crop of geniuses can outperform Mother Nature, then let them mess with your genome.

I'm happy with the one I've got.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

The Collapse Of Modern Medicine ???

Here are some recent memes which suggest the collapse of modern medicine:

Is it credible that the seasonal flu just suddenly disappeared? Isn't a more likely scenario that it was intentionally misdiagnosed as "COVID"?

And do you really think the current wave of heart problems is being caused by climate change? Isn't a more likely scenario that the problems are vaccine induced?

Instead of looking out for the welfare of their patients, doctors seem to have "followed orders" which in many cases led to the death of those patients. And many (if not most) scientists slavishly refused to question what they were being told by murderous bureaucrats. Some did so because of greed, others through cowardice.

Here is one of the few who is willing to perform a meaningful analysis of the pertinent DATA and to tell us what it means:

If modern medicine and pharmacology have turned into a system of eugenics and population reduction, then I would say they have collapsed.

What do you think?

By the way, I intend to publish Parts II and III of The Ethical Skeptic's report when they become available. Check this blog every so often for updates.

Your Very Own Golem

Here is a creepy development in the exploitation of human embryos:

“We view the embryo as the best 3D bio printer,” says Hanna. “It’s the best entity to make organs and proper tissue.” 

Source -

What would be a better use of human resources? Creating a liver for someone in the West, or feeding thousands of starving people in Somalia?

And who gets to choose the answer?

Update - 8/22/2022

Here is additional discussion:

And speaking of Somalia, here is what "Joe Biden" is doing for them, or should we say TO them:

In my view, a nation which is murdering starving people for dubious reasons does not deserve to receive 3D printed organs. We should be diverting such resources to helping the unfortunate of this world.

Friday, August 19, 2022

Fungi-Based Bacon ???

Here's a new taste treat:

NO THANKS !!! I'll take pig over fungus any time.

Animal Mass

There is a gross imbalance between wild and tame animal mass:

What will happen when Bill Gates et al. succeed in killing off most of the farm animals?

No Climate Emergency ???

1,200 scientists and professionals claim there is no climate emergency. You can read about it here:

I am in complete agreement. This whole thing is a scam.

But whatever the case, we must stop following unproven models for climate, disease, economy, etc.

These guys, on the other hand, seem to think the sky is falling:

I think we should seek agreement before we "take bold steps" which may cause more harm than good.

What do YOU think?

Update - 8/25/2022

Here is a geologist who does not agree that CO2 causes global warming:

I doubt he's alone, but "deniers" are silenced so how can we tell?

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Was Anne Heche Murdered ???

Here is a disturbing video which seems to contradict the official story of Anne Heche's accident:

While there's little proof to support the theory, it's possible someone tried a Michael Hastings on her and then finished the job in the ambulance or the ER.

Anyone who threatens TPTB should watch their back.

Update - 8/24/2022

Here is additional discussion:

Even the Russians can figure this out. What's wrong with our MSM?

Note well most of the car crash/fire/explosion events appear to be happening in the West or because of Western actors. The US and its minions are today's Murder, Inc.

Carefully Planned Provocations

Here are two examples:

Both internationally and domestically, the US seeks destabilization via provocation. And in both spheres the goal is "regime change" to accumulate and consolidate power at the expense of We the People.

Last night I watched Ken Burns's biopic about Benjamin Franklin. Reflecting on that show this morning, it's clear to me that everything Franklin and the patriots of his day fought for is now being destroyed.

I hope you're all proud of yourselves.

BRI = Rise Of The Rest

In this report Pepe Escobar discusses China's trade initiatives in the Heartland:

The Davos/WEF beast and its supporters in the West are trying to destroy any vestige of a "free trade system", while China is attempting to expand one. Is this a wise use of our military power? I don't think so.

And is the beast REALLY trying to deal with climate change or just using it as an excuse to steal the world's resources for its own enrichment? This all reminds me of what the US did to native Americans: stole their resources under the pretext they didn't know how to "properly" use them.

As it turns out, they did ... and we didn't. And we still don't.

BBB = Decline Of The West

Here is a wake-up call from Sundance:

Hiding behind the false justification that current inflation is driven by too much demand, central banks in Europe, the Bank of England, Bank of Canada and U.S. federal reserve are raising interest rates. The outcome we are currently feeling is an intentional economic contraction and global recession.

The Build Back Better monetary policy is successfully shrinking western economic activity; however, the impacted nations that produce goods for markets in North America and Europe, specifically southeast Asia, Japan and China, are not raising interest rates in an effort to try and offset the drop in demand. China has announced they are dropping their central bank rates in a desperate effort to lower costs and keep their export dependent economy working.

Underneath all of this, is a drop in energy production in the same nations trying to lower economic activity. The political policymakers are attempting to manage this process without informing the citizens of the unspoken goal. Shortages of oil, coal and natural gas are self-inflicted problems, all part of the BBB agenda.

You can read the rest @

You should have known we were being screwed as soon as you read this:

So ... the ultra-rich get to advance their agenda at the expense of you and I. I'd call that fascism. What do you call it?

By the way, Gates TOTALLY screwed up the COVID thing (or intentionally used it to harm us?) Why should we trust him and his ilk to manage the entire economy of the West?

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Is Eating Bugs Good For You ???

You may soon be seeing displays like this at your local grocery store:

But is eating bugs good for you? This man says no:

Here is a study (Chitin and Its Effects on Inflammatory and Immune Responses) which contains some clues, and this sentence may be key:

"Chitosan also has been widely studied as an adjuvant in DNA and protein-based vaccines [72]."

Source -

You may not have noticed, but many of the drugs and vaccines coming on the market work by affecting your immune system. Getting us to EAT something containing vaccine adjuvants may very well turbocharge such drugs and vaccines and have G-d knows what side effects.

I'm sorry, but I don't trust any of these bastards. My advice - let's do a study first, using members of the WEF as lab rats who will eat bugs and get jabbed with all this new crap. THEN we'll decide whether any of it is safe for the rest of us.

And if it harms them, who cares? Aren't they more or less "useless people"?

Deciding What We Believe

This report talks about how the Davos/WEF beast intends to censor human thought on a global basis:

That's right, a small group of ultra-rich people and their followers will decide what we see, hear, and think.

Who gave them such power? We did, when we failed to hold them accountable.

And keep in mind that "our" leaders more or less work for them and not for us.

Yes, we're on the verge of extinguishing democracy everywhere. But Donald Trump has little to do with it, other than being just another tool TPTB use against us.

The Psychiatry Of COVID-19

Here is a fascinating video interview about "the psychiatry of COVID-19" with a US-trained psychiatrist who lives in New Zealand:

It's 26 minutes long, but I urge you to watch it. He provides some important insights, many of which would be called "conspiracy theories" by those who support TPTB.

But shouldn't psychiatrists be considered the sanest people on earth? I would hope so, and this man sounds perfectly sane to me.

Monday, August 15, 2022

And Just Like That ...

Here is an excellent analysis of the CDC's recent about-face on COVID-19:

Note that in spite of getting EVERYTHING wrong, the CDC is not backtracking on the "necessity" for vaccines. Nor is any leader of consequence in the scientific or medical professions telling us to seek early treatment or suggesting we use ivermectin or HCQ.

It is difficult to determine whether all of this is due to incompetence, greed, or some malevolent motive. Perhaps it's a mixture of all three. But one thing is obvious, no one who was responsible wants to take the blame for any of it. It just happened, and just like that it didn't.

And the modern day Winston Smiths are now working overtime to toss it all down the memory hole.

An EV Suggestion

Converting personal transportation to EVs will cause its own environmental and human tragedies:

I concur with the author - FIRST come up with safe batteries which can be made from common, plentiful, non-polluting materials. THEN shut down the ICE auto industry.

Sadly, the saboteurs will force us out of ICE cars FIRST, and then (if ever) worry about the rest.

A Nuke Suggestion

A nuke power plant in Ukraine is in danger:

My suggestion? Shut down all six reactors and put the plants into cold, wet layup. Keep them shutdown until the war is over.

And I mean REALLY over.

Update - 8/18/2022

Here is additional discussion:

It makes no sense to say Russia would do this to themselves. And if Ukraine is responsible, we need to immediately stop supporting Zelenskyy. He is no one's friend.

To those in the EU: Chernobyl affected mainly you. This latest potential catastrophe will do the same. WTFU.

Why Now ???

Here is a credible explanation of why there really is NO climate crisis:

So why all the hubbub?

One possible reason is that TPTB just want more power and wealth. The personal carbon wallet scheme they have in mind will guarantee they get both. You can read about it here:

Another possible reason (which is a subset of the first) is that they believe there are too many humans and want to cull the herd before we devour the planet. I personally think this is a valid concern, but shouldn't EVERYONE have a say in who gets to live, and under what conditions?

A third possible reason is the US-provoked war in Ukraine. Everything the NATO maniacs are forcing on us (hunger, lack of energy, disrupted supply chains, etc.) can conveniently be blamed on Russia AND fits into the "great reset" narrative. The war can be kept going forever, and somewhere along the way Russia will be broken up and the reset will have been achieved.

Will you and I still be around? Probably not, but I don't think TPTB will have a problem with that. They just don't need us, right?

Update - 8/16/2022

Here's a short video about the carbon wallet scheme:

Just In Time For Christmas

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts asks some important questions in this essay:

We're already on a path which will change this country forever. I think the only question left is "how bad will it get?"

Most likely answer? REALLY bad.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Tale Of Two Cities

Here is a Dickensian telling of the Moscow-Washington existential war:

Spot on, and well worth the read.

American Mythology

Here is an anti-US diatribe by Larry Romanoff:

While he makes some interesting points, he leaves out two important factors:

  1. There never has been a "level playing field". Labor costs are SIGNIFICANTLY different in other parts of the world.
  2. Many of these corporations were weakened and ultimately failed because their board members and executives looted them to enrich themselves.

Good try, Larry.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Boiling Frogs

Here are wise words from Jeff Thomas:

In truth, elected leaders do not seek to serve the public but to dominate them. Invariably, their recommendations for change will be whatever transfers greater power to themselves.

Source -

"Our" leaders consistently ignore the constitution they are sworn to support, or they distort it in bizarre ways.

The next step on their agenda is to reinvent it, but people with the wisdom and stature of The Founders no longer exist. The cretins who now take their place will destroy that hallowed document, and we all shall be worse off for it.

Friday, August 12, 2022

The Anti-Gospel

This report encapsulates the anti-gospel of the Davos/WEF beast. It can be summarized in these few words:

"We Just Don’t Need the Vast Majority of the Population"

You can find the report @

Who is the "we" to whom he refers? I believe it's the Davos/WEF beast. And it appears to me these two things are self-evident:

  • we are being persuaded to hate Donald Trump, one of the few people willing to resist the beast, and
  • we are being persuaded to love Joe Biden, one of the many people who are helping the beast.

What do you think this beast is going to do to people it just doesn't need? Will it "waste" resources keeping them alive? I doubt it.

Update - 8/14/2022

Here is additional discussion:

Why Trump Derangement Syndrome ???

This brief video provides some compelling allegations why we are being persuaded to hate President Trump:

Bottom line - by fighting Trump, Russia, and China we're helping the globalists slit our own throats.

If you disagree with these claims, please tell me why. I'd like to hear your reasons.

Dumbest Claim Ever ???

This allegedly was the basis for the FBI raid on Trump's house - a search for "classified documents relating to nuclear weapons":

To put this in context, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff recently communicated directly with one of our two greatest "enemies" (China), offering to alert them if Trump were to attack. How was that not a treasonous act? Why are people calling for Trump's execution ... and yet General Milley was not fired, or even censured?

We have reached the point of total cognitive breakdown. Expect even dumber things to happen soon.

Update - 8/13/2022

Here is an alternative explanation for the raid on Trump's house:

And YES, it was a RAID:

1a : a hostile or predatory incursion. b : a surprise attack by a small force. 2a : a brief foray outside one's usual sphere. b : a sudden invasion by officers of the law

Update - 8/16/2022

Here is additional discussion:

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Don't Worry, Be Happy

Here are observations from Michael Every:

You could hear the champagne corks fly wherever you were yesterday. After all, there was "zero US inflation" in July, as some put it.

And that came after zero US recession, as some also put it, despite two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth. And after a red-hot labour market report. And EIA energy data showing gasoline usage apparently well below 2020 levels despite all this non-recession and jobs boom, and even as refineries are working at incredibly high capacity levels, diesel stocks are low, and exports are also down. These are all numbers/claims worthy of champagne. Yet they make little sense taken together.

Until you recall US midterm elections are coming up. Then you wonder if it is just coincidence, bad/Covid number-crunching, or ‘convenient’ in a way we pretend DM data can’t be, because otherwise we would be EM, and we don’t like to imagine we could be, because: we have higher incomes - as millions struggle to put bread on the table or keep the lights on; ‘regulations’; ‘rule of law’; absolutely no corruption; a completely unbiased media only interested in the truth; no politicised judges or civil servants; no business sectors close to politicians; no politicians with tenuous grasps of reality; no back-stage lobbyists; no interest groups; no powerful shady forces; no issues over electoral legitimacy. None of that applies to us!

Source -

Gee, all we have to do is have a continual election cycle ... and let the good times roll !!!

Until they don't ...

Polio On The RIse ???

Apparently polio is making a comeback:

As I recall, the current live virus polio "vaccine" was the baby of Bill and Melinda Gates and/or their foundation.

Is this booster intended to keep our children healthy, or just make more money for the vaccine hawkers?

And why in the US, UK, and Israel? What is the connection?

In my view, public health has taken a giant step back in the last two years. And I don't think this development was an accident.

IRS Gunslingers

If political violence is such a bad thing, why will IRS agents be carrying guns?

This is what your government thinks of you: you're a dangerous criminal who must be met with deadly force.

And here I thought the American people were the good guys. Did I just fall asleep and wake up in Bolshevik Russia?

Hungary Vs. USA

Good news from central Europe:

Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is not just an irritant to Brussels, he sees the world from an entirely different perspective.

Since Orbán returned to power in 2010 marriages in Hungary have doubled, abortions have halved, divorces have hit record lows, and the birth rate has risen by a quarter.

Orbán has also overseen a constitution with references to God and Christianity; funded Christian schools, and banned content deemed to promote LGBT issues to minors.

Source -

Contrast that with the US, where marriages don't last, abortions are sacrosanct, native birth rates are down, G-d and Christianity are relentlessly attacked, and children drown in a sea of gender dysphoria and sexual exploitation.

And Orbán is the problem? I don't think so.

What do YOU think?

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

More Green Hypocrisy

Remember when President Trump tried to buy Greenland? He was roundly mocked for even suggesting such a thing.

But now that a group of billionaires wants to buy Greenland's mineral wealth, they somehow are wise investors:

America, you are disgustingly hypocritical.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

War Between The States, Redux

In this essay, Professor Jonathan Turley addresses the current wave of state on state boycotts:

These boycotts truly seem like the opening salvos of our second civil war.

Of interest is Turley's failure to emphasize this clause in our constitution:

US Constitution, Article 4, Section 1

Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof.

In my view, this states' relations provision ought to make ALL such boycotts unconstitutional on their face.

But clearly the Left doesn't want that. I believe they WANT the country to break up.

Shutting Down Nukes

According to this report, the heat wave now afflicting France will limit their use of nuclear power:

Not mentioned in the report is the role played by the temperature of the ultimate heat sink (UHS), which in this case may be the rivers which are heating up.

The objective of nuke power plant safety limits is to prevent or limit fuel damage following an accident. One such safety limit will be placed on the temperature of the UHS. Exceed it and the plant cannot legally, safely operate.

This situation eventually will affect ALL nuclear power plants as the planet heats up, making the case for more nuke plants quite dubious.

Fat Man

On this date in 1945, the US used its second atomic bomb on Nagasaki, Japan.

Little known fact - The ship which delivered the core of the bomb to Tinian Island, the USS Indianapolis, was flagship of the flotilla which celebrated the 50th anniversary of the dedication of the Statue of Liberty. She was FDR's favorite ship.

Monday, August 8, 2022

Sunday, August 7, 2022

News From The Borderlands

Speaking of Korean War echoes, this source suggests North Korea may send 100,000 troops to help Russia disarm the Ukrainian Nazis:

Wouldn't that be a hoot, and a well deserved dose of karma.

And this source claims that at least two US corporations are buying up Ukraine's assets:

Since Ukraine is a major supplier of food and raw materials, that would make perfect sense. And it also makes perfect sense such corporations would be pressuring the US government to prolong the war to drive down the price of their acquisitions.

Just like they appear to be doing here in the US.

It's all about money and power. There is no democracy, definitely not here.

Update - 8/9/2022

Here is additional discussion:

That would be a sneaky way to advance NATO right up to Russia's border. Whatever happens, I don't think Russia would tolerate such a thing.

Viral News

Russia has determined that SARS-Cov-2 was created by the US to use as a bioweapon:

This claim is consistent with the findings of US author Ron Unz:

Dr. Fauci continues to protect his sponsors and the billionaires in Big Pharma by denying the "vaccines" are causing fertility problems in women:

The US lied about its use of bioweapons during the Korean War, too, and that lie continues to warp our dealings with North Korea to this day:

Many powerful people in the US think they can lie with impunity, and they're right. They can, and do.

But don't you believe them for a second. They've got an agenda, and you and I are its victims.

Lots More Holes

Here is the latest "green agenda" prediction:

Global battery and minerals supply chains need to expand ten-fold to meet projected critical minerals needs by 2030, a report published by the International Energy Agency (IEA) has found.

The report concludes the industry needs to build 50 more lithium mines, 60 more nickel mines and 17 more cobalt mines by 2030 to meet global net carbon emissions goals.

Source -

No, we don't "need" all these mines.

What we DO need is a credible comparative study showing which "problem" is the most serious:

  • carbon emissions too high,
  • groundwater contamination too high, or
  • human population too high.

Then we need informed public discussion and approval of what we should do.

Leaving such choices to the scientific-technological elite is a BAD idea, especially because they openly call us "useless people".

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Small Modular Reactors

A small modular reactor (SMR) design has been approved by the NRC. You can read about it here:

Apparently it has some "novel" safety features:

The SMRs come with novel safety features designed to prevent the kind of disasters that have hardened public opinion against nuclear power.

For a start, control rods used to stop the fission reaction by encasing the fuel rods are held above the reactor’s core by an electric motor. This means that in the case of a power outage they will automatically drop into position under the force of gravity. The entire reactor is also bathed in a water pool, which can draw away excess heat in case of emergency. Also, by using smaller amounts of fuel, the total amount of heat produced is greatly reduced.

I worked in the US military and civilian power programs for over 20 years. I was certified as a US Navy nuclear engineer and as a GE-trained Senior Reactor Operator. I wrote design basis documents for the GE SBWR and did dozens of technical evaluations for numerous nuclear power plants.

Frankly I see nothing very novel about this new design, at least as described in the above report. All control rod systems have an allegedly foolproof way to shutdown the reactor. Yes, gravity exerts a constant force, but it may not overcome the force from a steam leak or other forces present during an accident. Many designs encapsulate equipment in water, but the real issue is the size and resiliency of the associated heat sink. And while limiting the total amount of heat may seem worthwhile, safety limits are based on limiting the maximum temperature reached in the fuel rods during an accident. That limit could be exceeded even with a relatively small heat load.

The three major accidents most people recognize were related more to poorly conceived, intentional choices than to faulty design:

  • The TMI accident was exascerbated when operators turned off cooling systems after misreading the state of the plant;
  • The Chernobyl accident occurred after plant operators foolishly turned off safety systems to conduct a reactor test without understanding the consequences; and
  • The Fukushima accident occured because the plant was built at sea level. A higher elevation for the site was rejected because of the additional cost and difficulty of construction.

The biggest problems I saw as a technical evaluator stemmed from the fact that time after time, even the best engineers and operators made mistakes which were not detected until it was too late. There will be mistakes made with the new design(s), too. You can count on it.

A successful design and a well constructed plant are the result of intelligent leadership. Sadly, such a thing is sorely lacking in US industries today. Just look at the last few nuclear projects, and you'll see what I mean. Unless that changes, and I don't know how it can, I suggest we avoid nuclear power altogether.