Monday, February 24, 2020

Get Your Masks Now

Here is why I think we should start wearing facemasks:

A 20-year-old woman, who showed no symptoms of the new coronavirus and had normal chest CT imaging results but ended up passing the infection to five of her relatives. Ever since scientists have been asking if a person can have this infection and not be ill. The new case study offers decisive evidence that the virus can be spread asymptomatically, which could make efforts to curb the outbreak even more challenging, say experts. The researchers of the current study are calling it the first documented case of transmission from an asymptomatic person with normal chest CT findings.

You can read the rest @

Yes, wash your hands. Yes, stay away from crowds. These indeed are important.

But what we really need to know is the answer to this question - Which of these two options is a more effective way of controlling the spread of COVID-19?

a. Wearing a mask BEFORE you get infected, or
b. Wearing a mask AFTER you get infected.

What do YOU think?

1 comment:

  1. This is what happens if you WAIT to buy your masks:
