Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Reopening The Mundus

Here's something you may not have seen before. It's a bit long, but worth your time.

The Mundus Cereris was a womb or labyrinthine passage to the underworld, the domain of Ceres, the great Mother of vegetation who was the Roman equivalent of Demeter. The structure was vaulted in the shape of an inverted sky, divided into two parts, and had a cover. It is believed to have been located on the Palatine Hill in Rome.

The cover was removed every year on August 24, October 5, and November 8, and these days were religious holidays, when the way was supposed to be open to the underworld. First-fruits of the season would be offered to the Manes (ancestral spirits) and placed in the pit.

Because the cover to the Mundus, the Lapis Manalis (Stone of the Manes), was considered an Ostium Orci (Gate of Hades), the Manes were freed to roam through the world of the living for the day, so marriage was not permitted on those three days, and the conduct of battles or business was not considered to be advisable.

In our political system election day periodically falls on November 8, so it might be instructive to ask which Presidents were elected on a day that (to the Romans, at least) the Gate of Hell was open. They were (in order):

  • Abraham Lincoln (first term)
  • Grover Cleveland
  • Theodore Roosevelt
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt (first term)
  • John F. Kennedy
  • George Herbert Walker Bush
  • Donald J. Trump

In addition, there was one President who was born on October 5: Chester A. Arthur

It’s interesting that the list includes our two most beloved martyrs (Lincoln and Kennedy) and one of the most reviled presidents (Trump), but bad things happen if you conduct business while the Gate of Hell is open.

Original post - http://sainthoward.blogspot.com/2012/10/the-mundus-cereris-was-womb-or.html

What makes this all very interesting is that Trump is back in the frame, and this time we seem to be on the doorstep of the End Times. What role, if any, will Trump play in the fulfilment of Biblical prophecy?

Some people say that Trump must be blessed, since G-d saved him from an assassin's bullet. I would certainly like to believe that, but there are other possible explanations. For example, there is this passage about Satan's temptation of Christ (Luke 4:5-7 KJV):

And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.

And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.

If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.

If Satan was being truthful, and the glory of earthly kingdoms really is his to bestow as he pleases, perhaps it is HE who is protecting Trump. I cannot say for certain, but it's a possibility.

There is also the implication of this passage (Revelation 17:11 KJV):

And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

This verse is usually associated with the Antichrist. Since Trump is the eighth US president elected or born on a day when the Gate of Hell was open, and is "of the seven", this makes him a candidate to fulfill that role.

It all depends on what happens next. We the People soon will vote to select the next president, but is that what will happen ... or does G-d or Satan actually make the choice for us?

Stay tuned, as they say. Someone will replace Biden, and whoever is chosen will either start World War III, or prevent it.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Why The Dems May Win

Who will be our next President? It may very well be the Dem candidate. Why?

Trump is being portrayed as having only two big issues - MAGA, and punish the people who wronged him. Been there, done that.

Dems, on the other hand, now control the narrative. It will be all about them between now and the election.

They're supported by the Deep State, all the big corporations, most of the MSM, most of the NGOs, and all the intel agencies.

Sadly, Trump is still playing checkers, while the Dems have been playing chess (and winning) for quite some time.

We are SO screwed.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

About The IT Outage

You've by now probably heard of the global IT outage involving Microsoft and CrowdStrike. Here are some things they neglected to include in the narrative.

Forty years ago, I was the chief engineer of an SSBN (nuclear powered ballistic missile submarine). I'm certain much has changed since then, but the basics remain the same.

One of the basics is that authorized weapon launch orders have to be securely and reliably sent and received, while bogus orders MUST be prevented. I have no idea how that is done these days, so take what I say with a grain of salt.

Over the past several years I have seen reports in the MSM concerning the fact Microsoft software is used on our nuclear subs. Perhaps it's used in the weapon control and communication systems. I have no specific knowledge of that, but it's certainly a possibility.

Now ... if it's so easy for a simple "error" like the one which just occurred to take down Windows 10 systems globally, who's to say that an ACTUAL attack couldn't do the same thing, or worse? And who's to say that any impacts on our military of the recent outage haven't already filtered back to our enemies?

As for CrowdStrike, I have no specific knowledge whether they're telling us the truth about this event, but their response to the DNC server "hack" makes me wonder. They claimed it was a hack, and the FBI apparently took their word for it. Bill Binney and several other IT professionals, on the other hand, said it was NOT a hack and suspected the information was transferred via a thumb drive directly connected to the server. Was this difference of opinion ever resolved?

We may never know exactly what caused the recent IT outage. But let's all hope and pray that whoever is responsible for this mess and the people who have oversight responsibilities find the root causes and fix them.

Nuclear weapons and the systems associated with them require the utmost care. Any carelessness CANNOT be tolerated.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Just A Thought

Truth is a bit like obscenity: you know it when you see it; and it often has a similar effect.

Monday, July 15, 2024

SCOTUS Confusion

I firmly believe SCOTUS has completely bungled the POTUS immunity ruling, and opinions like this one are ridiculous:


Why? Because of this requirement in the US Constitution, which I have mentioned before:

Article II, Section 3:

... he [the President] shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed ...

To me, this means that anything he does which is NOT legal or constitutional CANNOT be considered an official act. He cannot make up laws, nor can he ignore the ones which already are on the books.

To those who may claim it's too hard to keep track of all our laws, I say BS. It would be a relatively simple matter to keep track of them all in the cloud and to analyze potential presidential acts to verify their legal status prior to acting. A set of pre-authorized situations (e.g., taking the nation to war) could be analyzed to allow quick action in emergency situations.

No US President can or should be a dictator, but in my opinion Biden sure seems to be acting like one.

And by the way, it's OUR Constitution [We the People]. Courts and lawyers are there to advise us, but WE are the ones who decide what it means.

At least that's my two cents.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Dear Child

Here is an insightful look at what Israel and the US are doing in Gaza:


If this does not bother you, there is something seriously wrong.

Lithium - Is It Worth The Trouble ???

Here is a good explanation of what the lithium industry does to a country:


And, as always, the West is willing to destroy entire countries to get what it wants:


I would argue that those of you who are the end users (owners of EVs, home storage batteries, etc.) really don't benefit. Everything costs more (a LOT more), doesn't last as long, and is a pain in the ass to maintain and repair.

All because of the non-provable theory of climate change.

Are you happy now?