Monday, May 20, 2024

Things You May Have Missed

Have you noticed these extreme changes / disconnects with reality?

(1) Not so long ago (e.g., during the Trump administration), "isolationism" was a dirty word. But now that the Biden administration wants the US to be self-sufficient in things important to them, isolationism is a good thing. Perhaps that's because the US can no longer compete when the "free markets" are truly free, so we have to isolate our competitors (e.g., China).

You can find pertinent discussion here:

(2) The EU is spending lots of money to get ready for a "hydrogen economy", but sadly there is not much hydrogen available to power it. And since they're shutting down all their nuclear plants, they'll have to burn coal to generate more hydrogen  ... which seems to defeat the purpose of changing to hydrogen in the first place. The US is going down similar dead-end paths, too.

You can find pertinent discussion here:

(3) Some people are drinking raw milk in an attempt to immunize themselves against avian flu. And of course, "officials" are warning against the practice. However, some of the same officials are still encouraging people to be injected with the very spike protein which causes COVID-19, a practice which does not prevent them from getting or transmitting the disease and which as far as I know does not provide any demonstrable health benefit.

You can find pertinent discussion here:

Friday, May 17, 2024

Degrees Of Separation

Yesterday I played a version of the Degrees of Separation game. Here are the famous people I have been connected to in various ways (note I left out the lesser known intermediaries):

One Degree

  • Simone Bernard, Director Renens School of Music
  • Andree Juliette Brun, concert pianist
  • Ramsey Clark, US Attorney General
  • Freylon Coffey, Times Beach chemist
  • James Doohan, actor
  • Erich Fromm, sociologist
  • Alan McCurry, Exec VP of American Red Cross
  • Vil Mirzayanov, Novichok chemist
  • Richard O'Kane, CO of USS Tang (SS-306)
  • John Perkins, the Economic Hit Man
  • Hyman Rickover, father of nuclear navy
  • Irwin Shapiro, Harvard astrophysicist
  • George Takei, actor
  • Strom Thurmond, politician

Two Degrees

  • Rudy Bozak, audio pioneer
  • Pat Buchanan, politician
  • Jimmy Carter, US president
  • Salvador Dali, artist
  • Lewis Farrakhan, leader of Nation of Islam
  • Cherie Hastie, passenger on Swissair 111
  • Audrey Hepburn, actress
  • Newt Gingrich, politician
  • Aga Kahn IV, imam of Nizari Isma'ilis
  • Walter Lantz, creator of Woody Woodpecker
  • Imelda Marcos, first lady of Philippines
  • Anastas Mikoyan, Soviet statesman
  • Prince Peter II of Yugoslavia
  • Hanna Reitsch, German aviator known as Hitler’s pilot
  • David Rockefeller, globalist banker
  • Andy Rooney, TV personality
  • Frank Sinatra, entertainer
  • Barbara Streisand, entertainer
  • M. Emmet Walsh, actor
  • Andy Warhol, artist
  • Ted Williams, baseball great
  • Steve Wynn, casino mogul

Three Degrees

  • Mikhail Gorbachev, Soviet leader
  • Meir Kahane, extremist rabbi
  • Nikita Khrushchev, Soviet leader

Somehow, most of them never had a great influence on my life. Easy come, easy go I guess.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Sinking Or Flooding ???

Here are two reports which claim the Indonesian city of Jakarta is "sinking":

The MSN report says the sinking is due to "the climate crisis". I believe this claim is misinformation.

The News18 report says the sinking is due to soil compaction from the weight of the city's structures and excessive removal of groundwater. I believe these claims are correct.

Not everything is "climate change". Much of what I would call "the population bomb" is incorrectly labelled as climate related. Whatever the case, the solution is the same - the human herd will be culled. That's why TPTB are releasing deadly viruses, starting otherwise unnecessary wars, and starving us.

And like the helpless cattle we are, we're doing nothing to stop them. Bad on us.