The Book of Revelation talks (among other things) about a beast which rises up out of the sea and one which rises up out of the earth. They are commonly known as the Antichrist and the False Prophet.
Many believe the two will work together to form a one world government and one world religion in the End Times, and that their partnership will be a rebirth of the Holy Roman Empire. I have always resisted that interpretation, because I don't believe the historic City of Rome (or its remnants) has the influence it once did.
But today's trends seem to support such a rebirth:
- The US, for whatever reason, is seeking "peace" and is trying to take us out of the geopolitical picture;
- A New World Order with European roots appears to be rearing its ugly head (see;
- A new form of false Christianity appears to be growing among the movers and shakers of the tech world (see; and
- For some strange reason, Europe's new "leaders" seem hell bent on provoking World War III with Russia, a war which almost certainly will go nuclear.
We live in troubled times, and when you add to them the absolute disaster now unfolding in the Middle East, one has to ask, "Can the biblical End Times be all that far off?"
Pray hard, and DO NOT take the Mark of the Beast.