Sunday, July 26, 2020

Politicizing Medicine

Here are two articles which demonstrate how the practice of medicine has been compromised and politicized in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The first is long and the second is even longer, but I urge you to at least scan them:



I'd like to suggest two takeaways from the articles:

(1) Taleb's claim the WHO is "criminally incompetent"; and

(2) President Trump was right in his twin beliefs that curtailing mobility and properly using HCQ were the keys to stopping and treating COVID-19 ... but TPTB fought him tooth and nail on both issues.

I predict that once they get Trump out of the way, the "resistance" will implement both of these measures since they're the only way to tame the virus. And when they do, perhaps you'll finally realize the extent to which they gambled with our lives just to seize political power for themselves.

1 comment:

  1. Here is further discussion:
