Thursday, July 30, 2020

America’s Social Hell

Here is an opinion piece by Chris Hedges. In my view it's more fact than opinion:

This social hell fuels the street protests around the country as much as the outrage over indiscriminate murders by police — an average of three a day — and police violence. It is a hell visited on nearly all of those trapped in what Malcom X called our “internal colonies.”

This hell was constructed by corporate billionaires and their lackeys in the two major political parties who betrayed the working class and working poor to strip communities of jobs and social services, rewrite laws and tax codes to amass staggering fortunes and consolidate their political and economic power at the expense of the citizenry. While they were fleecing the country, these billionaires, along with the politicians they bought and owned, including Joe Biden, methodically built brutal mechanisms of social control, expanding the prison population from 200,000 in 1970 to 2.3 million today and transforming police into lethal paramilitary forces of internal occupation.

You can read the rest @

The true "white privilege" in America is that enjoyed by the corporate billionaires and their lackeys, but note well they're not the ones being attacked on a daily basis because of it.

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