Thursday, July 16, 2020

Indigenous Aussies Strike Back

Here is a somewhat humorous take on a fictitious Australian version of BLM:

The sad part is that it's a perfect description of the callous destruction of the indigenous world our European ancestors brought about nearly everywhere they went.

There will never be "justice" until we acknowledge that our way of life is murderously destructive, and actually change it into something sustainable and fair for all peoples everywhere. Doing so is going to require the dismantling of most or all of the large corporations in the world and a restoration of indigenous property rights.

Can such a thing be done without violence? Have those in power EVER relinquished it without a bloody fight?

By the way, here is the sort of piece you normally find about the clash between indigenous peoples and an encroaching government. Note that it clearly portrays the wants, needs, and desires of the indigenous peoples to be pointless and not worth fighting for. But isn't that something they should be allowed to decide for themselves?

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