Thursday, July 30, 2020

Irreversible Damage

Here is a review of a very timely book:

A new book, Irreversible Damage, reveals how teenage girls are being duped into believing they want to be male, and are pushed into taking puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and undergoing double mastectomies.

Whether it is a statement or a question, the title of this book conveys the necessary urgency of this desperately sad story. Amid the trans debate, seemingly a battle between grown adults, vulnerable children are prey to a malevolent ideology that survivors call a cult.

In a superb piece of investigative journalism, Abigail Shrier focusses on teenage girls – most with no history of gender dysphoria – who become captivated by the belief that they are transgender. Behind the glittery exterior portrayed in the media, she encounters damaged children – many alienated from their families – in poor mental health and facing the prospect of infertility and medication for life.

You can read the rest @

I have no doubt that gender dysphoria is real. But like Debbie Hayton I think it's reasonable to ask whether allowing youngsters to make such life-altering decisions is a good idea or a form of child abuse.

It's also reasonable to ask whether one of the chief instigators of gender dysphoria is Hollywood, which fills the minds of our children with unbelievable filth and depravity. Here is the testimony of one person who is familiar with what has been going on:

As Michael Snyder laments, we're in the process of completely losing America:

A major factor in that process of loss is what we're doing to our children, or should I say what depraved, evil people are doing to our children. And our schools and the cesspool of the Internet play a huge role in what is happening.

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