Thursday, July 16, 2020

Is This How The Virus Came About ???

Here is a video featuring an African leader explaining the mother of all COVID-19 conspiracy theories. It's 16 minutes long, but well worth your time:

It may sound far-fetched, but strangely it makes a lot more sense to me that the crap we're being fed by the MSM.

In light of what we do know, is it credible the virus evolved naturally, was spread accidentally, that governments were this incompetent in their responses to the pandemic, and that the WHO failed us so spectacularly?

Putting it another way, would the ultra rich allow such a thing to happen if it in any way threatened their riches or their control of the world? I doubt it.

By the way, it's starting to look like the vaccines they wish to force upon us really may cause more harm than good:

And those are just the near-term adverse side effects. We won't know the long-term effects until it's too late to do anything about them.

To be honest, I'd be a lot less suspicious if the MSM and social media platforms weren't working overtime to skew our perspective on what is happening.

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