Monday, May 11, 2020

They Lied About Masks

Here's a claim that should make your day:

Despite what the World Health Organization and Dr. Anthony Fauci tell you, a new study has concluded that if 80% of Americans were to wear a mask, COVID-19 infections would drop by more than 90%.

Source -

Let that sink in. Instead of spending a few billion dollars to provide us with masks, "our" government decided to wreck our economy with a shutdown costing untold TRILLION$ of dollars. How stupid is that?

And this screwup came from the medical establishment itself, not from Trump ... who relied on their bad advice. This is either a case of monumental incompetence or a deliberate attempt to further a vaccine-surveillance agenda.

Whatever the case, we need to stop this in its tracks and hold these clowns accountable. And we must do so ourselves, since they're obviously not going to help us.

1 comment:

  1. Here is additional discussion;
