Saturday, May 30, 2020

Quote For The Day - 5/30/2020

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
John F. Kennedy

Those words were echoed in a recent interview on CNN with Dr. Cornell West:

And what happens is we have a neofascist gangster in the White House who doesn't care for the most part. You've got a neoliberal wing of the Democratic party that is now in the driver's seat with the collapse of brother Bernie and they really don't know what to do because all they want to do is show more black faces -- show more black faces. But often times those black faces are losing legitimacy too because the Black Lives Matter movement emerged under a black president, a black attorney general, and a black Homeland Security [Secretary] and they couldn't deliver. So when you talk about the masses of black people, the precious poor and working-class black people, brown, red, yellow, whatever color, they're the ones left out and they feel so thoroughly powerless, helpless, hopeless, then you get rebellion.

We've reached a point now a choice between nonviolent revolution -- and by revolution what I mean is the democratic sharing of power, resources, wealth and respect. If we don't get that kind of sharing, you're going to get more violent explosions. Now the sad thing is in the neofascist movement in the White House, you have some neofascist brothers and sisters out there who are already armed. They show up at U.S. capitol and they don't get arrested, they don't get put down. The president praises them. See what I mean? ...

Source -

These problems aren't just going to "go away". So hang onto something - we're in for a very rough ride.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it interesting that comments such as this one always seem to mention Hillary Clinton supporters? Clearly many black people no longer see Democrats as their friend:
