Sunday, May 31, 2020

Our Grim Future ???

Here is informed commentary and speculation from Pepe Escobar:

In his latest book, La Desaparicion de los Rituales, Byung-Chul Han shows how total communication, especially in a time of pandemic, now coincides with total vigilance: "Domination impersonates freedom. Big Data generates a domineering knowledge that allows the possibility of intervening in the human psyche, and manipulating it. Considering it this way, the data-ist imperative of transparency is not a continuation of the Enlightenment, but its ending."

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Financial capitalism is an expert in adapting to  – and profiting from – the serial crises it provokes or unleashes.

You can read the rest @

The dual mindfuck of COVID-19 lockdowns and racially motivated violence is disrupting the fabric of our society. But that's its purpose, right? In the middle of such chaos, most seek a restoration of stability; but who has to power to impose a new stability and to determine its character? Not We the People, that's for certain.

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