Saturday, January 9, 2021

Who's Really In Charge ???

Here are some observations from Matt Taibbi:

We sell politics in American media as a soap opera, and the personalities make for lively copy, but properly following the bouncing ball means watching institutions, not characters. Where are armies, banks, central banks, intelligence services, the press? Whose money is talking on the floor of the House and the Senate? How concentrated is financial and political power? How do public and private institutions coordinate? When they coordinate, what are their collective aims? How transparent are they or aren’t they? How accountable?

Source -

Considering that Big Tech and the MSM have absolutely destroyed our ability to publicize any narratives except those of TPTB, it's damn near impossible for We the People to know what is going on and who is in charge. All we can be certain of is that it's not us:

In my view, this is a development which poses a FAR GREATER DANGER to democracy than anything President Trump and his so-called supporters are alleged to have done.

What do YOU think?

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