Monday, March 23, 2020

Solutions To Our Economic Crisis

According to Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, we should use debt forgiveness and nationalization to solve the economic crisis:

I agree with him. The alternative is a huge cash handout to corporations and banks, none of which have the interests of We the People in mind.

And note well the final paragraphs of his essay:

The pandemic has made it clear that a society of self-seeking individuals is not a society.  A society is a social system. A successful social system is one that can support its members.  Once a self-sustaining social system exists, then there is a basis for people to branch out on their own.  But without a sustainable social system, there can be nothing.

To create a sustainable society in the United States requires the abandonment of dogmatic ways of thinking.  Old ideologies are in the way.  We and our leaders must think creatively if we are to successfully deal with the health and economic crisis.


  1. Here is additional discussion of the issue:

  2. And more:
