Sunday, March 8, 2020

Medical Martial Law ???

Here is what's coming for the USA:

Now that the CDC has invoked its “rule by secrecy” mode by hiding coronavirus testing numbers in order to deceive America (while it quietly “seeds” infected people into the population), it’s abundantly obvious that the coronavirus outbreak in America is going to be used to invoke medical martial law.

There are already thousands of infections across America which have not yet been tested — all by design, of course, as the CDC withheld testing kits from hospitals and local health officials across the country. By our best estimates, there are currently between 5,000 and 10,000 infections in America, mostly along the West Coast (Seattle and Northern California) with new outbreaks taking place in New York City, Miami, Chicago and other major cities.

Right now, domestic air travel is spreading the virus like crazy, since it spreads during the asymptomatic phase when people don’t even know they’re infected. There is currently no screening of domestic air travelers, and no domestic flights routes have been locked down (although that’s coming soon).

Importantly, the coronavirus has already broken containment in America and is now impossible to contain. It will impact every major city in America.

You can read the rest @

You may not agree with his thesis, but it does fit the known facts.

How could the CDC have been so incompetent? They are, after all, the "centers for disease control AND prevention". They have done NEITHER and continue to make lame excuses for their failures.

Or are they "failures" at all? This really is looking like more than negligence.

1 comment:

  1. Here is further discussion of the issue:

    And I heard yesterday that CDC now considers the virus to be "endemic", meaning that testing for it is pointless. It's here to stay and everyone is likely to get it.
