Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Can We Adapt ???

Here is a gem from the Unz Review:

A doctoral candidate who is in Shanghai has written about his optimism over the ability of cultures to rapidly adapt, and that crushing the virus by flattening the curve is possible as long as people adapt.

"I’m sitting in Shanghai and life is perfectly pleasant. Without imports from abroad there would be no cases at all. But freedom of travel and assembly is *selectively* curtailed. Society has got its act together for this purpose.

"It’s actually a simple formula. The better organized society is towards this purpose, the less freedom needs to be curtailed to achieve effective control of the virus. What is happening effectively in China is this is being done dynamically in response to local conditions. . .

"Painfully and messily, behavior change is happening in Europe and America. It will bring the virus replication under control. And then it will be possible to rebuild freedoms step by step. That is the correct answer."

Source -

Sounds good, but ask yourself this - have we rebuilt our freedoms step by step following 9/11, or have they been continually eroded every step of the way since that catastrophe? Do we even remember the freedoms we used to enjoy?

COVID-19 may be the ultimate game changer, since it appears to affect the entire world and because "leaders" at all levels are implementing emergency powers which few will want to relinquish when the pandemic is over ... if it ever is [keeping in mind that we are STILL in a declared state of emergency from 9/11].

1 comment:

  1. Here is further discussion of the issue:
