Wednesday, April 8, 2020

COVID-19: Did We Totally Screw This Up ???

Here is a link which includes an interview with a eminent epidemiologist, in which he claims the pandemic would already be over if we had done nothing other than isolate the elderly:

I think his logic makes sense. And I also believe that we don't have access to the information we would need to prove him wrong, such as how many people actually are infected with the virus and how many people actually died FROM the virus.

Here is a cartoon about the plague which shows the three choices we had for dealing with this and future pandemics:

Apparently we chose "science", when according to Dr. Wittkowski we should have chosen "kill the infected" (which is the same as letting the disease spread to achieve herd immunity).

We either can do that in the future for similar epidemics, or we can let "science" (to the extent the government actually follows scientific principles) kill even MORE of us than is necessary so that corrupt corporations can continue to exist instead of THEM dying a natural death.

Here's an example of what I mean, since the economic consequences of the government's response will have greater lasting impact than will its clumsy medical intervention. US airlines, which played a huge role in the spread of the virus, now want a bailout; we should not give them one. Their CEOs are irresponsible and corrupt, having strip mined their corporations' assets to enrich themselves:

1 comment:

  1. In addition to giving these CEOs more cash, we're also on the verge of giving them access to and control of every aspect of our lives:

    Are you happy now?
