Monday, August 9, 2021

Racketeering On A Global Scale ???

Here is a definition from Wikipedia:

Racketeering is a genre of organized crime in which the perpetrators set up a coercive, fraudulent, extortionary, or otherwise illegal coordinated scheme or operation to repeatedly or consistently collect money or other profit.

Now read this report about Pfizer's "vaccine" contracts and try to convince yourself this is NOT racketeering:

I'm not falling for their BS, and I hope you don't either. There appear to be safe, effective, affordable treatments and prophylactic regimens for SARS-CoV-2 (and more may be developed). Being forced to take an experimental vaccine (even if the FDA now approves it) is an abomination which no one should tolerate.

Here is supporting discussion:

By the way, I once knew a person who worked at the Pfizer site in Groton, CT. He was a veterinarian in charge of their animal testing facility. He volunteered to give me some information on a topic he knew I was interested in (not SARS), but in the end all he gave me was the same mealy-mouthed BS a BigPharma company gives to the general public. I guess I don't condemn him for that, but I expected more from someone who I hoped would be my friend.

On the other hand, it's generally not easy to become my friend.

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