Saturday, August 21, 2021

Drs. Jarvik and Fauci

Do you remember Dr. Robert Jarvik, inventor of the Jarvik-7 artificial heart? If not, you can read about him here:

Although he graduated from medical school, Dr. Jarvik is mainly a scientist who was not licensed to practice medicine. Partly as a result of that fact, advertisements for the Pfizer drug Lipitor which had featured Dr. Jarvik were discontinued. Some people claimed they constituted giving medical advice without a license.

Now comes Dr. Anthony Fauci, who unlike Jarvik completed an intership and residency program and obtained a license to practice medicine. But like Jarvik, his medical career appears to have been mainly as a scientist. And for some time he has been chiefly an administrator:

The point I would like to make is that we should NOT be taking medical advice from people who are not practicing physicians. It's one thing to be proficient in a laboratory, but quite another to actually treat real patients in the real world. I'm sure everyone can understand that. All you have to do is look at Fauci's disastrous record during the COVID-19 pandemic. Take away his ability to shift the blame to others, and what you're left with is an academic egghead who can't get his story straight.

What we need in this country (and the world) is a committee of accomplished, practicing medical doctors tasked to come up with the BEST strategies for dealing with SARS-CoV-2. They should NOT be beholden to BigPharma, BigMed, or BigTech, and they should be free to discuss and publish whatever they see fit, without interference from Facebook, Twitter, and the other social media tycoons who don't know shit from Shinola when it comes to public health.

The first thing such a committee should do is veto the pending decision to give full approval to Pfizer's mRNA vaccine WITHOUT public discussion of the underlying data. You can read about THAT abomination here:

It should have been clear by now that the "laboratory" version of mRNA vaccine safety and effectiveness is drastically different from the real-world version. We CANNOT allow BigPharma insiders and lackeys to dictate public health policy.

Anyone who has watched the current batch of drug ads on TV should know by now the known and unknown side effects of most new pharmaceuticals appear to outweigh any real benefits. We the People, who should be the chief benefactors of new drugs and vaccines (and always are the chief victims), MUST have strong advocates working on our behalf. The Fauci regime is preventing that, and for that reason alone he should be pushed out of the way.

Update - 8/22/2021

Here is additional discussion:

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