The tactic of knee-on-neck restraint was introduced into US police forces by their Israeli trainers. You can read about it here:
Israel is NOT our friend. They are responsible for many of the things which are wrong with our country, but no one is holding them accountable. Why aren't we?
Update 6/8/2020
Here is a video showing Israeli police using the knee-on-neck restraint technique on what seems to be a US citizen:
If you recall what happened to Rachel Corrie, then you know that Israel is quite careless when it comes to American lives.
Update 6/11/2020
Here is something else our cops learned from their Israeli trainers:
Update 7/19/2020
I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this one:
Dear Mr. Staub - If you want to change US policing, first change Israel. If you cannot see the necessity for doing that, you are wasting our time and doing a disservice to oppressed peoples everywhere.
Here is further confirmation of Israel's role:
That rubber bullet crap came from Israel, who is not our friend:
Here is further discussion of how Israel has facilitated destruction of the USA:
Here is another observer of these facts: