Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The CHAZ Concept Is Spreading

Here is a report about rich techies who want to create their own city states:

Ex-Uber executive Ryan Rzepecki is looking to build a private, politically autonomous city that would accept the anticipated exodus of Silicon Valley tech workers who are now remote since corporate offices have shuttered.

You can read the rest @

This is similar to the seasteading concept I have discussed before:


Not content with enabling the chaos now enveloping the USA, these bastards want to escape taxation and any obligation to help the rest of us.

Should they succeed, it will be the culmination of the offshoring of "our" economy and the death knell of the US government's ability to meet its financial obligations.

1 comment:

  1. And while the seasteaders and their ilk are relatively peaceful, the occupiers of the real CHAZ / CHOP seem to be inching us closer to violence in their quest to overthrow Trump:

