Saturday, June 20, 2020

What Causes Pandemics ???

A word to the wise:

Leaders from three international organizations - the United Nations, the World Health Organization and World Wildlife Fund International - teamed up to issue a stark warning that pandemics like COVID-19 are a direct result of the destruction of nature caused by humans, The Guardian reported Wednesday.

The top figures from each organization argued that the illegal and unsustainable wildlife trade, as well as the devastation of forests and other wild places, were still the driving forces behind the increasing number of diseases leaping from wildlife to humans.

You can read the rest @

As far as I know, this particular sort of environmental damage occurs outside of the USA. So in future, when the next pandemic breaks out somewhere else in the world, our first response should be to prevent its importation.

But as you know, that appears to be the LAST thing we'll ever do.

So in reality we're still going to be defenseless. Any vaccine or treatment developed for COVID-19 likely will be of no use against the next pathogen.

Doesn't this mean our entire approach to pandemics is AFU?

1 comment:

  1. Here is a related discussion:
