Tuesday, June 9, 2020

COVID Sleuthing

Here are some fascinating results of the on-going COVID-19 sleuthing:

(1) The virus has properties never before seen in nature, implying (proving?) it is man-made:


(2) Significant spikes in hospital traffic and Baidu internet searches for terms related to COVID-19 suggest that the virus hit Wuhan, China "beginning in late Summer and early Fall 2019," according to a new study by Harvard Medical School.


Hopefully such information will lead to something other than war between China and the US.

And by the way, Vietnam has enjoyed one of the best responses to the pandemic, while the UK has had one of the worst:


The difference, I would think, lies in the areas of discipline and good governance.

1 comment:

  1. Some scientists are still claiming the virus is NOT man-made:


    Use of the word "debunk" is revealing. It often suggests an ad hominem attack rather than scientific controversy.
