Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Notes From Civil War 2.0

Here are some timely observations from Tom Luongo:

From the moment the protests against the killing of George Floyd were hijacked into looting and rioting I worried about this turning into something far greater, something with a far higher purpose.

Within a couple of days it was obvious the U.S. was now the subject of a color revolution of the same type and build up that occurred in places like Ukraine, Georgia, Egypt, Serbia and others.

And it’s pretty clear the color for our revolution isn’t orange or brown or violet, it’s black.

The questions I have are why this is happening now? The obvious answer is the full court press to deny Trump a second term. That’s a practically stated goal at this point.

But I feel this is far deeper than that, and likely has to do with knowing that Trump has pieces in place post-Jeffrey Epstein raid/murder to upset the Deep State’s apple cart.

& & & & & & & &

Dismantling the cover of the SDNY is key to uncovering, officially, what’s really going on in the U.S.’s Black Revolution as well as everything else and that’s why they are circling the wagons here.

The same way that the European Court of Justice is covering up for the obvious money laundering going on through NGO’s in Europe.

You can read the rest @

There are two ways (at least) to read this - either as an apology for Trump, or as an exposé of what this is all about. I go with the latter interpretation.

When they finally get rid of Trump, and it's almost certain they will, then what? Will the rich finally deal with our crushing debt, failing jobs market, and worthless currency? And if they do, will their solutions to these problems benefit us or them?

I think you already know the answer to that one.

This is definitely a civil war, and We the People are losing. In spite of Trump's flaws and apparent incompetence, he is our last best hope to win. Isn't that a fine kettle of fish.

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