Monday, September 17, 2018

Naked Aggression Against Syria

Someone has attacked Syria, and the Russians have tried to defend. You can read about it here:

It wasn't me, but you can bet it probably was "friends of Israel".

I thought we had treaties, a UN, an ICC, and a bunch of responsible world leaders to prevent this kind of thing.

I guess I was wrong. All we've got is John Bolton and a bunch of lunatics in control of our military resources, pandering to the desires of the Israelis.

Heaven help us.


  1. Here is additional discussion: [translation required]

  2. And more:

    The US, Israel, and NATO do not want peace in Syria. They want to DESTROY Syria. What they are doing is a war crime, and everyone taking part ought to be arrested and tried for their crimes.

    Start with Netanyahu and John Bolton.
