Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Is This How To Cull The Human Herd ???

Scientists have killed a whole population of malaria-carrying mosquitoes in their lab by using modified genes that make the killer insects infertile.

Researchers at London's Imperial College used “gene drive” technology to spread a genetic modification that blocks female reproduction while letting male mosquitoes continue to spread those altered genes.

The results, published Monday in the journal Nature Biotechnology, represent the first time gene drive has completely suppressed a population, according to an article from Imperial College.

You can read the rest @

I'm thrilled they're trying to eliminate malaria, but this technology could be used to exterminate almost ANY population, including humans. And it could do so intentionally, or maybe even accidentally if it somehow escaped from the laboratory.

Yes, I'll admit that ANY technology can be either good or bad. But ask yourself this - when did scientists EVER decide NOT to pursue a line of research because it might have a harmful outcome?

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