Saturday, June 4, 2022


Yesterday I finished watching Season 1 of the Apple TV series Suspicion. I found it very entertaining, but troubling.

It's another "climate change" potboiler, and I want to point out some of the fantasies/factual errors on which it's based.

It mentions the effects of CC on Syria, but leaves out the fact that Syria's problems stem from the dams built by Turkey on the Euphrates River and the massive destruction of Syria caused by the US, NATO, and Israel.

It also mentions the effects of CC on food production, but leaves out the fact the US and its allies have weaponized food and upset global food production/distribution via sanctions, lockdowns, and wars.

The most troubling aspect of the series involves the claims that oil companies have sought to negate climate change facts via multiple dis/misinformation tactics. If we were to be honest about the COVID-19 "pandemic", we'd admit that the WHO, the NIH, Bill Gates, Fauci, and others played a similar role in that they prevented early treatment using existing drugs and essentially shut down scientific discourse about SARS-CoV-2 to promote THEIR version of reality. How is that different from what oil companies allegedly did to the CC discussion?

It's funny (but also sad) that the very same people who support the CC narrative cannot see that "Joe Biden" is a mentally defective doddering old fool incapable of holding public office. If they're so cognitively impaired they cannot see his failings, why should we believe their CC narrative? Might they not have that right either?

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