Here is what President Truman said about nuclear weapons in a radio broadcast he made on August 9, 1945:
The atomic bomb is too dangerous to be loose in a lawless world. That is why Great Britain, Canada, and the United States, who have the secret of its production, do not intend to reveal that secret until means have been found to control the bomb so as to protect ourselves and the rest of the world from the danger of total destruction.
As far back as last May, Secretary of War Stimson, at my suggestion, appointed a committee upon which Secretary of State Byrnes served as my personal representative, to prepare plans for the future control of this bomb. I shall ask the Congress to cooperate to the end that its production and use be controlled, and that its power be made an overwhelming influence towards world peace.
We must constitute ourselves trustees of this new force--to prevent its misuse, and to turn it into the channels of service to mankind.
It is an awful responsibility which has come to us.
We thank God that it has come to us, instead of to our enemies; and we pray that He may guide us to use it in His ways and for His purposes.
You can read the rest @
I don't think G-d really wanted us to use this weapon against Japan. And I doubt that He wants us to use it now, either.
President Trump, please take note - those who commit murder and then say G-d wanted them to are criminally insane. Don't fall into the same trap Truman did.
By the way, I never noticed before that Truman and Trump both start with the same four letters (t-r-u-m). Just a coincidence? In Vietnamese, the word "trùm" means "chieftain or magnate".
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