Sunday, November 20, 2022

Does Voting Matter ???

Here is one of many important issues facing us today - who controls our elections:

Which would you rather have:

  1. 50 states individually controlling elections within their borders, or
  2. Federal bureaucrats controlling ALL elections?

Choice #1 actually makes it harder for one political party or entity to manipulate elections, while choice #2 makes it easier.

Contrary to what Mr. Chemerinsky claims, what frighten me the most is the inexorable erosion of all the checks, balances, prohibitions, and rights enumerated in our constitution.

DON'T let the feds take over our elections. THAT would be the end of American democracy.

Update - 11/21/2022

Throughout the West we find the same thing: people don't think their countries are on the right track:

If these are all "democracies" and their citizen's votes matter, then why do such poles suggest otherwise?

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