Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Camp Of The Saints

Here is commentary on the American decline from Dr. Paul Craig Roberts:

Yes it's racist, but isn't just about everything these days?

If you haven't read The Camp of the Saints by Jean Raspail, you should. It too is racist, but in some ways it's a perfect description of what is happening in the West.

And if you don't think we're being overrun, think again:

By the way, where are all the millions of recent immigrants living? How are they supporting themselves? Do they have jobs? Isn't it strange they're apparently invisible to the MSM and the other official ways the public might learn about such things? My guess is that money printing and the debasement of our currency are involved.

None of this is accidental. TPTB apparently have a plan, they just haven't told us what it is ... and they didn't bother to ask our permission to enact it, either.

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