Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Robbing Afghanistan ???

Here is a report which claims that an attorney who worked in the Biden White House may profit handsomely from the monies now being given to 9/11 families:

If true, this is yet another example of the disgusting profiteering going on in our nation.

But more importantly, this money should NOT belong to the victims of 9/11. While the Taliban declined to turn Osama bin Laden over to the US, they did so because the US could provide no credible evidence the man had anything at all to do with the attacks. And in my view, we still haven't. As far as I am concerned, the entire 9/11 episode and the "war on terror" were based on unproven BS which should have been rejected by all of us long ago.

The people of Afghanistan have suffered mightily for the crime of standing in the way of the loose cannon known as the US government. The destruction by the US of their country FAR exceeds the damage and anguish suffered by the 9/11 families. In the greater scheme of things, no way do they deserve any more punishment.

Update - 2/17/2022

Here is additional discussion:

Yes, "bandits" is an accurate description.

Update - 2/19/2022

Here is more discussion:

Proactive, my ass. They're killing those people, intentionally.

Update - 2/23/2022

And yet more:

Crimes against humanity? When has any US president ever been held accountable?

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