Sunday, February 20, 2022

Are You Ready ???

Here is an assessment by Phil Butler of the Big New War we're all facing:

The US is NEVER going to defeat Russia and China at the same time. The US may be capable of killing lots of people in those two nations, but if we do they're going to find a way to annihilate us, too. So in the long run, what would we gain?

And what business is it of ours how the people of Europe and Asia live their lives, and whether or not they choose to do business with each other and not with us? If we weren't such assholes, maybe they'd like us better.

Some day, like World War I, historians will claim this Big New War was "preventable". But just like WWI, that claim will be BS. Those who actually rule the world wanted that other war, and now they want this war. What We the People want is irrelevant and always will be. There are no "democracies" in the West. That's just a cruel joke that for some unknown reason many people still don't recognize for what it really is.

Our nation is run by psychopaths, and unless they quickly can be hospitalized the rest of us may not have a future. And that's not defeatism, it's reality.

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