Sunday, February 13, 2022

Incitement ???

Here are two related reports about freedom of speech and religion:

I'd be willing to bet the left would be HAPPY if Senator Paul got blamed for inciting an insurrection, just like they were ECSTATIC when President Trump fell into a similar trap.

But even more alarming is their obvious attack on religious speech and its relationship to politics.

If you recall, some of the most provocative speeches of The Founders were given inside churches (e.g., Patrick Henry's "give me liberty or give me death" speech). I think TPTB don't want that sort of thing to ever happen again.

One of the goals of our so-called "war on terror" was to defeat religious totalitarianism. At the beginning of that conflict we understood this to mean the defeat of Muslim extremism. But the concept eventually morphed into an attack on ALL religions that motivate people to act in the secular world (with the exception of Judaism). Many Americans may consider this to be a good thing, but is it really?

The Founders mentioned the freedoms of religion, speech, and press (in that order) in the First Amendment. They must have considered all three to be of fundamental importance, and attacking any or all of them clearly works to our detriment.

I don't believe Senator Paul or any priest, minister, or cleric I ever heard has incited violence. But I DO believe some people would like to say they did and use that claim to cancel them ... or worse. And when they do, the American spirit of rebellion will wither and die, perhaps forever.

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