Tuesday, February 15, 2022


By now you probably have heard this or another version of it:


What is being left out by every source I have monitored is the key word - ESPIONAGE ... which is defined as follows:

"the practice of spying or of using spies, typically by governments to obtain political and military information"

Those engaged in these anti-Trump activities were conducting espionage, and apparently violated one or more federal laws. Why has it taken so long for this to come out? Everyone involved should go to jail, but once again they seem to operate with impunity.

From the beginning, none of this has made any sense. The question of whether the DNC server(s) were hacked easily could have been answered by the NSA, which monitors all such transmissions. Why was this not done, and if it was what did they find? Since a claim of Russian involvement was at the heart of the issue, why didn't the FBI seize and analyze the DNC server(s)? If they did (and didn't tell us), what was found?

One of two things seems to have happened:

  1. Either the entire US security apparatus is incompetent, or
  2. They are corrupt and complicit in the destruction of US democracy.

In either case, how likely is it that Durham can get to the bottom of this mess before they get rid of him? And how likely is it that no one gives a damn, since the apparent goal of all this (get rid of Trump and turn the public against Russia) has been accomplished?

In a related matter, why have we allowed the US surveillance state to get completely out of control? Here is one of the latest revelations:


Destruction of our "Bill of Rights" has been normalized. Can any good come of this? I can't see how.

Update -2/16/2022

Here is additional discussion:


This is not a "scandal"; this is a CRIME, or a series of crimes. Should it continue, this former nation will become a failed state. We've already lost any pretense of being a democracy:


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