Monday, October 6, 2014

Replaced By Robots

Here is another prediction about robots taking over jobs humans used to do:

Smart machines are an emerging "super class" of technologies that perform a wide variety of work, both the physical and the intellectual kind, said Sondergaard. Machines, for instance, have been grading multiple choice for years, but now they are grading essays and unstructured text.

This cognitive capability in software will extend to other areas, including financial analysis, medical diagnostics and data analytic jobs of all sorts, says Gartner.

"Knowledge work will be automated," said Sondergaard, as will physical jobs with the arrival of smart robots.

"Gartner predicts one in three jobs will be converted to software, robots and smart machines by 2025," said Sondergaard. "New digital businesses require less labor; machines will be make sense of data faster than humans can."

In other words, robots will soon be able to do just about anything a human can do ... and will do it better, faster, and with fewer errors and complaints.

At that point, the world's new masters (corporations) are going to ask whether or not it is in their best interest to keep supporting all the human locusts which are quickly devouring this planet. What do you suppose they will decide, and what will they do about it?

By the way, your government is doing everything it can to promote this transformation and virtually nothing to provide opportunities for we useless eaters. Considering the facts that We The People pay most of the taxes collected by that government and that large corporations pay little or no taxes, does that seem fair?

Update: Here is another revealing report about robots and automation:

Within possibly one generation, we will have to deal with this extremely disruptive transformation. It may result in more casualties than all our wars put together. And so far, no one is even worried about it.

We're like lemmings running towards the cliff.

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