Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Most Moral Army That Never Was

Here is a refutation by Jonathan Cook of the concept that the Israeli Defense Force is a "moral army":

Let’s not forget that the Israeli army, far from once being driven by moral ideals, began life with an act of mass ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, in 1948. It has been maintaining and expanding the cleansed zone ever since.


And here is a link to the essay he is critiquing:


In this entire charade I hear echoes of America's "manifest destiny" and "indispensable nation" fantasies. An army, any army, reflects the mores of the people who send it into the field. An honest look at the armies of the US and Israel will reveal that both are filled with butchers who are quite eager to maim and kill at the drop of a hat anyone their governments turn them loose on. And the chaplains and rabbis bless them on their way to the slaughter.

Most moral army, my ass. There is no such thing:

As soldiers and officers used to carrying out our missions without asking unnecessary questions ...

As Ms. Novak admits, they're all "just following orders".

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