Friday, August 30, 2024

Nuclear War Fever

Here is a VERY important discussion about "Biden's" nuclear war strategy:

To call this a "preemptive strike technology" is TOTAL BULLSHIT. Super-fuze makes Trident a FIRST STRIKE WEAPON.

All the associated nonsense, including the decades-long demonization of Russia, is INTENTIONALLY crafted to make you think it's preemptive. Russia wouldn't have attacked us in a million years had we left them alone. We (at least the psychopaths that run the US) have been trying to goad them into a nuclear war ever since 1945. We're not "preempting" anything, we're PROVOKING.

Also note the linked report says nothing about the consequences of "winning" such a preemptive war. Even if the Russians only managed to launch a few weapons following a US attack, the immediate death toll would be huge, and the ultimate impact of the fallout from OUR weapons and the nuclear winter such a war would cause would probably kill most life on the planet.

And by the way, adopting such a nuclear strategy AND shooting at Russia's early warning radars make it MUCH more likely they might launch on warning.

Are you happy now?

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