Monday, August 19, 2024

Nuclear Dreams

Apparently in an effort to meet "climate goals", the US will be shutting down its coal-powered generating stations and building more nuclear power plants:

Good luck with that. Ever since the Three Mile Island incident, new nuke plants either have been cancelled, or were WAY over budget and behind schedule. There are many reasons for that, but they all boil down to a lack of leadership at all levels. Without clear, sustained leadership, any "nuclear renaissance" is likely to fail.

We're being told that to facilitate the rebirth of nuclear power, the US will start to reprocess its spent nuclear fuel: [behind a paywall]

But as you may be aware, the US previously tried but gave up on that idea in 1977. Will things be any different this time?

And we still need to construct a working repository for high level nuclear waste, but the US also gave up on that project after a lame effort to build one in Nevada. Again, will we actually finish one this time around, or just give up again?

Having worked for 25+ years in military, DOE, and civilian nuclear energy programs, I can confidently predict that any progress will be slow, difficult, and very expensive.

And don't forget that any nuclear power plants which ARE likely to be built will be used to power the data centers so urgently needed to spy on us and keep TPTB in power. Once THAT is accomplished, all the other promises mentioned above are likely to be forgotten.

Once again, we'll go from "too cheap to meter" to "insufficient funds".

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