Sunday, August 4, 2024

It's Hard Being A Troll

When I was in the first or second grade, my school put on a production of Three Billy Goats Gruff. For some reason (perhaps my stentorian voice) I was chosen to play the Troll.

At the time I thought it was an honor. I later realized being thought of as a Troll is kind of demeaning. I'm pretty sure now choosing me for the role was an indication of how easy it has been for people to trick me into doing things which really did not benefit me ... and sometimes were quite damaging. Go figure.

As you may have noticed, the biggest Troll in the world today is Donald J. Trump. He thinks being President is an honor, and it is. But in many respects, casting him in that role was, is, and will be the cause of his demise. Look how easy it has been to trick him into doing dumb, damaging things (e.g., choosing traitors as his advisors, getting people to take poisonous "vaccines", falling into "debate"/"interview" traps which make him look like a racist or insurrectionist, etc.). These are things from which he may never recover, and perhaps even land him in jail.

I may be one of the few, but I completely sympathize with him; I've been there, too, and once you're type-cast in that role, it's nearly impossible to break out of it.

Later in grade school, I was cast in the role of Ichabod Crane in a radio production of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. I wonder what they were trying to tell me with that?

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